Different Circles
And that was why the young earth pony walked flat into the chest of an older pony with a heavy thud, bouncing off an landing on her rump, staring up at the dark shape of the earth pony above her.
Copper Pins' Day Off
He smirked at his earth pony friend as he looked at him from over his shoulder once more. "i had to show up early to see what you were up to." cloudy raised a brow. "what does that..."
The Temptress Trio Chapter 4: What's Mine is Yours
Soon her moans became progressively louder as the earth pony gently caressed her vaginal walls with her tongue.
The Temptress Trio Chapter 2: Play to Pleasure
The earth pony sighed but didn't bother protesting. "yeah, you made that very clear a few minutes ago..." * * * _sweetie belle could only stand there dumbfounded for a few seconds as she stared at the earth pony before her._ _"h-hey sweetie belle..."
Chapter 13: Doing It With Class
As an earth pony, octavia was a bit more stocky than most unicorns. she had always envied vinyl's long, perfectly shaped legs and slim body.
Watering the Cactus: A Trenderburn Clopfic
Surprised and aroused he decided to tease the yellow earth pony. "enjoying the show, you naughty cowpony" trenderhoof asked.
Night of the Naughty Spirit
The earth pony felt a wave of euphoria wash over his mind as a familiar sensation coursed through his loins. "i... i-i can't... don't..."
Pee Shy Chapter 6: Elysium in the Dream
The earth pony made sure to drench it, pushing an even harder stream out onto the plush; fluttershy gave it a light squish, listening to the wet sound.
Clown Mare 6-1
"all i know is that earth ponies know how to make good coffee. maybe because they know how to grow these coffee beans. we made a peace treaty to the earth ponies back when pegasus had an aggression towards our species, the unicorn race.
Snips' and Snails' Special Spell
His cock was back to throbbing and he began to touch himself, watching his friend completely bottom out inside of the earth pony.
Sombra's Pies
While he watched with an amused smirk as the pie containing the red earth pony colt moved about ten minutes longer then the pegasus.
Pinkie Pie's Lucky Thirteen
The other earth pony shivered, gasped in pleasure, and shook her head a moment before with a glow of light and a ripple of energy she transformed into mayor mare.