The Submission Of A Lady Part 2

Raquelle woke to the gentle pokepokepoke of her, blinking in confusion at having fallen asleep or passing out after her last climax, her fragmented thoughts slowly pulling

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Wolfhood Reborn -Chapter Three: Waxing-

Oddly enough; despite the incredible fact that he may be a shapeshifting werewolf, a ting of pride and satisfaction surfaced in his fragmented thoughts knowing how close

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The Lost of the Marshes – Chapter 10: Memory

But from what the kobold could pierce together from fragmented thoughts, this building was a temple. a place of worship to the gods, and also the site for šitazi.

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Haunted Nursery

The second story; a new book being opened in the queerness that haunted our fragmented thoughts and tainted the innocence of this place.

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Starborne - Trial by Fire: Final Countdown

It frantically tries to form the failing pattern of fragmented thoughts and memories who are - were - its companion into a harmonious, self-sustaining entity. without success - and not without consequences.

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The Breaking of Tialla

Struggling to gather her fragmented thoughts, she slowly forced one eye open. her body, lying in a semi-fetal position, was coated in sticky, half-dried slime, and she grimaced with revulsion, beginning to recall details of the ordeal.

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The Trials

I take a moment and gather some of my fragmented thoughts that had seeped into the numbing heat of my body. "good this time, actually. a lot of my pain is gone and i feel hot, like melting rather than burning."

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The Black Collar: The Line In The Sand

Even before he reached the door, a myriad of possibilities played across the dragon's mind in flickering images and fragmented thoughts. were they related to the dragon slayers who wounded him in the first place? family members seeking vengeance?

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Started with a Rock (Giant Formating nightmare)

fragmented thoughts rose, and one by one the voices would fall silent, each layer she passed through, they were locked out, until she reached a pedestal where she knew his...being should have been.

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