Figments of My Reality (Poetry)
It's more of a free-write that i put into a slightly poetic form, but yeah. figments of my reality a sea of broken traffic lights, the lone flag in the distance, the slowly setting sun: all figments of my reality.
Tribute To a Night I'll Never Forget
This is a free write. i didn't have any preconceived ideas; i just wrote to the music and saw what came up.
Words of the Prophit
To creative writing extra credit free write 01/18/19 draft # 2nd words of the prophet i, jessica the weaver, give onto you, the mice of graywall keep, these words. as i sleep a voice from outside time whispers me thoughts.
free writing is fun! tern walked down the cobblestone street in the city of rose, capitol of the empire of the rose, keeping an eye on the dark clouds that hovered overhead, threatening to pour out their burden on the city.
Kailey Plays Tag
This was the free-write for june 3, 2021. didn't need to change much except for a word or two and some punctuation. happy birthday, kailey! featuring:@bab_kailey@grifkitty and their friend, bentley the baby raccoon!
My Hero and Me: My Greatest Adventure Ever 3: His Guardian, His Mate
"free write. pick a topic of your choice and write about it. there is no limit, just write as much as you can for ten minutes." i grabbed my pencil and a piece of paper thinking about what to write about.
"Working Like a Dog" (M/M Domestic Anthro Dog Sex)
#2 of writings would you like free writing like this? please send me a note and check out 02/02/17: fixed some minor grammatical errors and improved word choice. feedback encouraged!
Ruby's Desperate Train Ride
Had this idea banging around in my head for a while, and since i've been feeling the urge to free write just for myself, to help break this block i've been dealing with, i finally got this down into print.
Office Potty
Based on a 30-minute free-write exercise i did last month. enjoy! and be sure to check out and @tykesinties on twitter if you want to want more diapered office antics in your life!
The Notes of X and Z
(this is a free writing exercise that i am doing, and basically anything goes. i hope something comes of it. consider this to be a sort of beta story for now. i hope to publish frequently.)
Nick & Doug 1
This is a sweet story that just came out of a free-write i did a few months back. nick is back in diapers again. the puppyish canine is not in trouble, he just needs them, and older boyfriend doug is there to help him through it all.
I.. had a free-writing assignment in my english class, and uhh, i kinda... pumped this out in three hours.