_Nostalgia in reverse, the longing for yet another strange land, grew especially strong in spring._ \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Vladimir Nabokov, _Mary_ When Dakota Tyree's mom, Lisa, who gave him the nickname _Cody_,_ _was still alive, and his dad Teddy...
The Dogs: Not Exactly Night - Episode VII
The grass beneath him was coated in a fine silver of frost on that December morning, the breath that escaped from his mouth made him look like a dragon - a haughty dragon, with his head held a little too high and his smile a little too smug. His hair...
The Dogs: Not Exactly Night - Episode V
Bligh, as he appeared to andrew now, was a nightmarish, half-canid, half-human monster...and next to bligh's domineering form of transmogrified ghoulishness was the summation of all his deepest
Rat Prince: Act III
**Act III** _Should you a Rat to madness tease_ _Why ev'n a Rat may plague you..._ \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Samuel Taylor Coleridge, "Recantation" Dark as it was, he was sure it was him... ...the thick-rimmed glasses set in the owl-like face,...
Forests of the Noonday Sun (Collab With Xax)
What he now realized was being burnt in the fire, the smells of autumn that engorged his nose and filled his head with strange and fleeting synesthesia - the mere act of it hitting his ears made james want to cry, to mourn, to grieve with these misshapen half-human
The Dogs: Not Exactly Night - The Beast That Shouted Fuck At the Heart of the World
Cody was on the bed, playing his 3DS, sorting his Pokémon in their boxes - there were all kinds of rumors on 4chan, which he would browse when Andy did not need his phone, that there would be some kind of system to transfer your old Pokémon to the new...
Rat Prince: Act II
**Act II ** _Ruinis inminentibus musculi praemigrant._ \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Pliny the Elder, _Naturalis Historia_ It had been three days - had it been so long? He was there again, back where it all started, laying on the hardwood floor of the...
A Third Hotel, A Third Bunny Child.
A Third Hotel, A Third Bunny Child. SCAT. SCAT WEARING. SCAT CONSUMPTION. VOMITING. VOMIT WEARING. INCEST. SHOTA/TODDLERCON REFERENCES. Sex with a toddler is just plain wrong. No Real Children Harmed In Anyway, To Write This. Well, here I am,...
Fathel Fable sat down next to Thrain, careful not to sit on his tail or fall over due to the weight of his backpack. "Hey, Thrain." He mumbled taking off his backpack and putting it off to the side. Thrain hadn't noticed him sit down next to...
Brynn's Brave Battle
Brynn's nose releases a soft breath against the half-human's cock, her right hand drawing itself to rub its palm against the underside of the half-human's engorged sack.
Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 78: Come With Me Now (Embracing Demons Part III)
The half human/half tiger asked. zhade's question was met with silence. "well?" alex winter july 10th, yoe 34
Current children
..........................karen's pups (born in ch 13)serenity: half spaniel, half human. has canine genitals of course.