Boston, part 3

Nick had suspected that his species had better intellect than humans - dogs usually do - but he kept that to himself. boston never actually acted that way.

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Pt 18 - The Druid's Decision

humans, dogs, horses, lions, chimera... gnolls... there's even at least one case of a nest of half-dragon bees, though how _that_ came about i will never know." he shook his head, trying to get the image out of it.

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Two Worlds: Stalk Watch (3)

A real human dog! in front of him right now and was surly real, the feeling of his heartbeat under his chest pounding his ribs, it felt like the heart was going at a fast rate, kevin understood frustration was doing that, "i. am. real!"

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A Blurb on Burb: Burb Dogs Talking About Burb Dogs, Ch 4

First, because i was told i could have a chance to set people straight on the increasing trend of human/dog relationships; second, because my publicist says that it'd be a great time to discuss my upcoming "waggin' train" tour; and third, because my

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Zavyn Chapter 1: History forges Future

It wasn't until 2107 that the first human-dog hybrid came to be, he had a dog head with higher forehead, ears, fur covered body, hind legs with longer thighs, tail, and genitals all this like a dog; with humanlike arms and paws except for the claws,

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To Dream of Darkness II - Ch 24

As had been the case back in england, the british subjects in hong kong tended to be an assortment of humans, dogs, foxes and wolves, with a few other species also present, like ferrets. sarina found the mayor's surface thoughts intriguing.

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Chapter 1: Pretty Lights

Whispered the tiny child as she came closer to the creature, looking at the human-dog-like animal that might or might not exist. it smiled and put a finger on its lips while extending its other paw (or is it a hand?).

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She Puts the "J" in "OMG"

"yea... a human, dog." angus replied simply, "i saw ya got a collar... figured you'd know what one was." and he cocked his head to the side, "or don't ya?" "oh, yea... i do!"

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The Hunted Hunters

Said drako " did you..." said bain sounding shocked "i can tell by the smell of a human dog in your blood. alpha's have a way of knowing these things. so if you would come out and talk instead of hiding."

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Ch 6: Shattered

The hotel was fine, if you ignore the fact that there was a good sized group of folks outside holding all sorts of nuts-o poster boards talking about "burb dogs are the devil's own tool" or some shit, and "human + dog = hell" and other things like

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Vassalized Earth: Anxiety

Not about who touched my face, i knew the answer to that already: argus's human dog and the captain both did; but i had to consider whether i should even tell her about the captain.

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Do Dogs Dance?

There is something transcendent about the human dog bond that can't be beat.

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