Jake's Genie

Jake, deciding to keep his mouth shut and stay out of this lover's quarrel. _"mmm hmm."_ the genie muttered looking at the floor. the fox-cat snapped her fingers and in yet another cloud of smoke, jake and alzar were separate once more.

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End Game - Chapter 2 - The Prophesy

"did i interrupt a lover's quarrel?" a dark robed figure flew down from the sky and landed in front of them. "devimon!" they both screamed. the dark digimon moved towards the two. "but, we deleted you on file island!" palmon stuttered.

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Damn Cold

lover's quarrel and all that. we will try not to let it happen again..." at least in public. then again, he had cum like a thawed spring... and at that moment i felt someone standing beside me, a paw slip in mine for just a second.

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Snow Bunny Ch.7

I hate lovers' quarrels. they're so stupid, especially this one." kadell froze. he arched a brow. "lovers?" "well, yeah. it's kind of obvious. the jerk off so wants moku.

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Antone's Lament

They went in to get a statement from antone but he was too out of it to say anything so they took a statement from the paramedics as a lovers quarrel gone bad.

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The tough guy

Stuck in a coffeeshop during a winter storm, the policeman clint kendrick settles a teenage lover's quarrel between the barista and her football-star boyfriend.

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Pull of the Moon - Chapter 14

Did you have a lover's quarrel?" sawyer laughed. "shut the fuck up!" kane and i snarled in unison. "how rude." "answer me one thing, sawyer. were you the one responsible for the massacres across the states?

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New Horse In Town: Bound For Colorado

"i knew it, a lovers' quarrel," she thought triumphantly to herself. "guess can i take this one off the list too," she noted before speaking. "i'm sorry, hon, clay's gone lit outta town for a little while.

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Time to Slay the Dragon?

'what the hell kind of a lover's quarrel is this!? wait, never mind that, where are they taking me? oh no, no, no, am i going to be killed in their lair!? and holy shit, why did they turn me into a dragon?! are they into cannibalism!?'

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Aaru - Chapter 6 (The Hall of Ancestors)

I felt a little out of place listening to this lovers quarrel play out. "but you chose duty, and pussy, over me!" "i understand why you hate me dalton. i truly do." tau'ruc sighed. "i won't ask you to forgive me.

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Going South

"don't think you ever ended up in the middle of a lover's quarrel that big before," peter mused. i grimaced. sometimes his humour was particularly acerbic, as it was, probably now to try to cheer me up...for all the good it did.

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Good Enough/Crossroads Chapter 11

"ah, a lover's quarrel... i better--" zack cracked his neck and jamie jumped. "bye! see you in gym!" and he was gone. chance sighed. "did you have to scare him?"

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