Sirius: Book One - The Beginning: Chapter 9 'The Week of Memories'
It also contains a referance to m/f yiff, but it's a negligable one, and i would appreciate it if it would stay in either the m/m or the no-yiff section.
Spa Time
The following contains m/f sex in a pool. it's also housepets fan porn. reader discretion is advised. spa time "so, there of course is a debate as to which film should go first.
An Intimate Destiny
It contains m/f sex between consenting adults. :3 **an intimate destiny** ansen hadn't planned on the date going this well. truthfully, he'd kinda hoped that it wouldn't.
Nitemare and Lady: Lady's Arrival
This story contains m/f sex between a wolf and a fox. it also contains oral sex. if you don't like that or are too young, then don't read it. if you do read it then any problems you have are all your fault.
No Backing Out
It contains m/f sex between consenting adult taurs. :3 **no backing out** the first time it had happened, it had been a genuine mistake. at least, that was what dexter claimed, and celene believed him.
Making Her Compatible
Contains: sapient feral dom, anthro sub, teasing, m/f sex in water, knot tying, cum inflation, transformation and implied impregnation. there's a new poll going on at my patreon!
The Woman of His Dreams
It contains m/f sex between consenting adults. :3 this commission was written for kemper.
Halls of Myth - Minotaur Queen
Content warning: this story is intended for adult readers and the following tags apply: male, feline, female, bovine, public nudity, size difference, teasing, m/f sex, vore, soft vore, unbirth good day everyone, i hope you're all doing well and staying safe
Nectar of the Gods
**nectar of the gods** by anima m/f sex, unbirth, spooge transformation sara wasn't really a fertility goddess...though her business cards said otherwise.
It contains m/f sex between consenting adults in a public place. :3 **pre-release** the evening had been planned out so perfectly.
Payment in Kind
It contains m/f sex between consenting adults, and mild drug (marijuana) use. :3 **payment in kind** snap frowned as he stared at the ac unit, sweat beading on the were-donkey's brow as the sun blazed its way in through the window beside which he
Love and Laughter
It contains m/f sex between consenting adults, and valentines related cuteness. :d **love and laughter** there were a hundred million and one things that jesse loved about elena, but without a doubt the thing he loved most of all was her laugh.