Status: Ecstatic

It was a grimy place now, coated in oil and run-off and full of moving machinery - stuff that hadn't stopped moving in decades most likely. and yet, a clear path was in front of me.

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Attack The Weak Point (Chapter 5)

Leaping onto the bars, digging his fingertips inside the oversized padlock, and fiddling around with the mechanical stuff inside until a few noticeable clicks sound out. my door starts to swing open, but the bent sections make it catch halfway through.

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Confined, Chapter 1

"with all due respect, we probably came from different towns" mia said to him "alright, how about you" adrian said pointing to frank "uhm, well, i kinda just helped my dad out with mechanical stuff" "mechanic?

Adventures of Kota Rello part 1

No more replacin' los' stuff with mechanical stuff. these new 'wares are bioware. still inna tes' phase, fer thuh mos' part." malnin just stares, before exclaiming, "that's brilliant!

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Powerful Allies (A1, B11, C28)

"i don't know much about mechanical stuff like this, but it's pretty wild that you made these. did you machine the parts to yourself?" "i did, yes. i enjoy it as a hobby, as i have a great deal of free time."

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I'll get ya somethin' to wear, if you wanna wash yer clothes - we got some washing machines, stuff like that." he turns round and walks towards the archway, disappearing out of sight, as he'd done after the game - like he had somewhere to go.

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I don't know mechanical stuff, or had experience growing up.. it's difficult to learn. i don't feel like i'm one of the guys, because everyone dwarfs me.. i don't feel like i'm very attractive to the girls-" with that, kirei quickly cut him off.

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Weathered (A2, B1, Chapter 9)

My father was fantastic with mechanical stuff. built lots of stuff by hand. my mother painted _every_ god damned thing she could get her hands on. they were hillbillies. the house is safe. okay?" topaz nodded in silence.

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Lightning - 4 - Happy Workers

With all this mechanical stuff that keeps happening, someone figured out how to drill deep wells and pump ground water with those thundering steam drives.

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Lightning - 4 - Happy Workers

With all this mechanical stuff that keeps happening, someone figured out how to drill deep wells and pump ground water with those thundering steam drives.

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Ultra Diaper Heroes

You're right about them being weird though- that hippo causes destruction while the skunk likes to...i don't know, create an army or use mechanical stuff or something. this is incredibly unusual for them- stay alert and let's get inside."

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