The Witch, the Train, and the Pocketwatch

Over the past few hours, a very large multi-legged being appeared and had grown all across the country. somehow it has avoided any largely populated areas as it effectively split the country in two.

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Fuzzle Dumplin's

Most of the people here knew about as much about jazz as they did multi-leg trading strategies, and only cared about the existence of a live piano player inasmuch as they got to claim to their friends that they drink in a place that has a live piano player

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The Lion King 2 1/2: Chapter 27 - Forging Friendships

Nala grinned and ran her top forepaw down the adolescent's back to cup her rump and pinch it playfully, which made vitani jump in her multi-legged embrace. "heehee.. she was great." vitani confessed.

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Star Wars: Derelict Jedi

Intense light flooded the room as three, multi-legged creatures surged through the gap. their jaws were lined with serrated teeth, and their menacing claws dripped with toxic slime.

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Night of the Insectaur

John had once vowed to never be in this position again, after his abusive father had followed through with an unspeakable act, and this multi-legged bastard was not just bringing it all back, but worsening it by the second.

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The Gates of Hell, Nymph

Abdomen hit the floor it kept growing as it pushed out behind her and started to harden, and her two extra pairs of legs were now almost fully formed and reached the floor, and with a loud 'snap' her back shifted into its new shape, and she was pushed into a multi-legged

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Pokemon Unevolved - Chapter 6

She hold the device over the multi-legged insect, the machinery coming to life by itself as soon as it registered the pokémon. "vennipede, its bite injects a potent poison, enough to paralyze large bird pokémon that try to prey on it."

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A Warriors Tale: Part 7

Dance and mindora quickly followed the two, almost having to jog after them to match aecas' long stride and typhoeus' multi-legged gait.

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Kaiju ga Gotoku 2.2 - Chasing Red Wings

Wth no sign and even less of a lead, he headed down towards pink street with its multi-legged sign opening with lewd invitation at the end of the avenue.

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Xenos part 3 FIN

Many of the moaning girls had what seemed like a small multi legged creature attached to them between their thighs, a long tail wrapping around their waist or a leg, those multitude legs like octopus arms, stretched out as they grasped and squeezed their firm

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"Daggers of Darkness, Book 4: An Unexpected Discovery", Chapter-5

Looking like multi-legged creatures of immense size, they were the stuff of nightmares. what looked like a jointed tail would curl up and over the body of a creature-ship and fire a dark purplish beam of anti-energy.

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Wyraach Initiation - Hyper Dragontaur TF

Cynder and wyraach looked at each other first, then the erupting multi-legged dragon in front of them. in a way, what he said made sense...but none of them could predict that he was gonna seriously turn into something that extreme and unexpected.

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