Tommyfox: wolf o' donnel? sombra: doggie kruger? ziggo: all of the above? erik: you'll see. hehe. \*silver enters the prep room with aniro\* silver: hey guys. so who is my first interviewee? erik: fox mccloud.
StarFox: Duel Of The Egos
His eyes and ears spied the chameleon trying to explain himself to wolf o' donnell in the tank, allthewhile nude, stuttering and caked in dried semen. it definately got a quiet chuckle out of him.
Star Fox Chronicles: Chapter 27: A Blustery Titania
o' donnell's team should be more than efficient in handling him, unless he has grown more wild and powerful throughout the past few days.
Star Fox Chronicles: Chapter 33: Shady Impulse, Betrayal on the Wolfen
The door to the bridge slid open, and wolf o' donnell ran in. he spotted concord, and ran to him. "concord, speak to me!" he ordered, the wolf coughed. "sorry wolf," he said, "it's too late for me, but i have good news.
Amongst the stars (A Star Fox YCH story)
The winner of the YCH from this post []( won two slots for my star fox story YCH a while back. Normally I would seperate out the two stories to reduce...
#1 of starfox fanfiction deposit wolf o' donnel undergoes an operation to restore his full vision; in his shabby apartment, he ruminates over successes and failures as he peels away the gauze.
[Com] Fox McCloud (Starfox) Vs. Wolf O' Donnell - U2
Another commission! This one by the ultra sweet jhonkolons on Furaffinity. Please go send him some thanks! He's the whole reason you're able to read this story! Now before we get onto the story I want to clarify that, while sharing the same basic...
Star Fox Chronicles: Chapter 28: A New Set of Problems
"come on," replica ryan stated, "i was expecting a better fight from the great wolf o' donnell." with a burst of energy he thrusted himself at the awaiting trio, whose attack was quickly blocked by panther's swift movement of his blade.
Krystal, Rouge Renamon and Sally 2 - The Lesbian House
"your time is over wolf o' donnell," he struck what seemed to be a large sort of flare, "sleep now in the fire." krystal had heard that phrase before. the figure dropped the object and the ground around wolf went up in flames.
Starfox: Lylat Beginnings Day 1: The new fox in Town
I also met wolf o donnell. in the most oddest places ever: the boys locker room. i even saw him naked... his body it's... its amazing. i wonder how big he..._ _no what am i saying? i dont even know if i'm "that" way or not.
Star Fox Chronicles: The Side Quests: Quest 4: The Gang of Seven Sins
. \*\*\* wolf o' donnell was getting angrier by the second. he gave a quick jump from the tree branch he was stationed on just before the vixen behind cut it down. wolf landed with just enough time to jump away again.
Star Fox Chronicles: Chapter 34: Kamikaze Chaos
o' donnell," the dog began, "we have completed the transfer, so the alpha copies are now yours to review if you so wish. it is unfortunate to have to go through such a betrayal, but knowing the threat is half the battle to overcoming it."