
So here's a story about a sweet, lewd synth furry couple trying out new things with each other. tagged for null, bodyswap, skunk spray (kinda), corruption and out-of-control tf and some swarming, splitting, multi tf; it has lots of names.

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Crossroads: Day 1 - Xorik

A swooping image of avians in flight, completely unique from all my other tags... as far as i know, i pretty much make them up as i go, and the only element to remain unchanged is a single eye. it's as close to a signature as i am willing to place.

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Lion's Heart - Ch 1

If anyone can suggest any other tags to be added -- let me know. enjoy! chapter 1 three men of differing species clustered around a round worn oak table, peering over a map.

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Summer sTrip

The other tags are fairly in order from start to finish. this story is an entry in the "summeradventure" contest. please enjoy it. leave a comment.

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Dark Growlithe - Chapter 12

"you know, chase each other tag someone, then they chase each other." "i've never played before," answered dark growlithe. "i can teach you in no time," cream assured him, "it'll be fun." "...why not? i'll play."

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Lagomorphs -- Chapter 32: Musings

Chipping or some other tagging of their livestock must have been used originally, but even so, there had to be a central observation room in the warren. it would have to be close so they could react quickly to any problems.

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You Can Never Go Home

The other tag was still with evran, cold in the gissar mountains. he remembered the taste of enzweiler's blood in his mouth, and the dead children who drank the rainwater, and evran who saved his life but who he couldn't save in return.

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Shouting at the Forest - 0x00

Some other tags followed telling a similar tale, all of which added up to a reason for the handler's union to ignore his privacy settings. the last tag gave him a chill. "habitat-wide existential risk."

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The Dimensional Traveler-Prologue

If you can think of any other tags that i can give this story, feel free to let me know. \*clackity clackity, typity typity\* "ugh, that's not right!" \*ddddeeeeeeeeeeeelllllllleeeeeeeeeeetttttteee\* "oh come on! that's too far!" "it would seem that mr.


Mercy 7: Who Is This

#7 of mercy if you guys think of any other tags that might be good to add to this, let me know. i've never been good with tags. gothard stood there watching the big yellow dragon sleep. he heard mercy walk up beside him.

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The Ryan Story Part III

Any other tags you think should be there, by all means add them. comments and suggestions appreciated as always. as they walked up to the cabin, thunder boomed in the distance and the wind started to pick up.

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