Skylands: the Scorpion Spear, Part Two - “Talvali”, Chapter Eleven: Shadow Of A Billion Worlds

"they worship a pagan goddess, but they are a weak prey-species. their goddess is, likewise, weak." brother holiman bowed, respectfully. "as you say." tephen still bristled but didn't continue the argument.

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CoTJ II: The Last Stand Act II Part IV

The void god isn't some pagan deity you humans have conjured up when you crawled on land for the first time, his power is endless like the droplets in an ocean world you cannot even grasp the nature of his existence!"

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The Fountain of Youth

"we've desecrated their temple, haven't we, and now they're going to sacrifice us to some horrible pagan god?" no reply from his mate was forthcoming. she simply stared at polly in disbelief. "don't try to spare me the grim truth," persisted reginald.

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Ryan's Story part XXIII

"if you are so very worried that dragons worship some pagan god, you need not be. we worship the same god you do; there is no other. his plan and intent for us it not the same as it is for humans, as such, the bible mostly does not apply to us.

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The C-Files

"supposedly they been around for decades, worshiping some pagan deity or other. rumor is they make sacrifices under the full moon to gain magical powers or some such nonsense..." lenny laughed, but his eyes held a guarded look.

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The Esoteric Collapse (BOOK 2)

For a while, she served as a pagan goddess to germanic tribes, and later as a nordic goddess, where she married loki. after his arrest and binding, she eventually returned to the earthly asian countries.

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Jaguar Feathers Initial Concept (Recycled)

King thor, named after the pagan god, kept his title, and mobilized the danish army, loading them onto a hundred longboats each with 200 men, the twenty thousand men arrived in a mere two days to where the vessel had been attacked and brought ashore.

Flesh and Stone 1: Nightly Rendevous

Looking down at her now, with her heavy-lidded eyes and flushed face looking up at him, watching his reaction to her work, feeling her taking inch after inch of him down her throat, worshiping him like some pagan deity, goliath wondered why he had ever

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'Brand' Name

Oh we don't worship some pagan god and dance in the nude....ok well maybe that part, but it's not a bad cult. membership is voluntary at all times. no one is forced to be a part of this group.

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The Search on Safari

Panting like the female dog in heat that he felt like, david looked over his shoulder, his dark eyes widening as he saw simba approaching, his body like that of some pagan god, his red mane flowing around him like a fiery halo, casually stroking the

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The Trial But With Pig TF

She never wanted this to end, up until the point where she began praying to whatever pagan god would hear her that it would stop. her mind began to shut down. she ceased to exist as a person, becoming just an unenviable pile of sweaty pleasure.

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