Leo and Tigress Introduction
So i love to write and i love the movie romeo and juliet...well leo and tigress is a play-off of the movie.....in a way i guess. if you like please comment! thanks guys! leo hid in the bushes near the stone wall.
Exit Stage to the Right
romeo and juliet. as if that one hasn't been done before." arden snorted. "it's a classic. everyone does romeo and juliet." devon replied. "yeah whatever. he's playing romeo of course.
1- Arrival to Babylonia
I say, concealing the jake in me that was crazy about romeo and juliet. the fact that he was too made him _a lot_ more attractive. "yeah, but . . . they died loving one another.
beast and dragon don't mix
This is not william shakespeare romeo and juliet got it. now this is how things go down.
Senior Soul Chapter 2
"now now, settle down class," the teacher fur continued, "the reason i have romeo and juliet written on the board is because we are going to be discovering a certain kind of literature today. love."
True to Yourself Ch.5
In the all human cast of romeo and juliet, juliet would have been wearing a flowing gown or something beautiful. being a sergal, it was only fitting that ketheren wore leather armor.
Best Friends.
She had written the assignment on the board ‘ read romeo and juliet, act 3 scene 4'. i sighed inwardly and opened my book.
WOLF - pt.13
"romeo...and juliet?" i repeated their names. "don't ask. they have a personal joke going between the two of them about it. either way, those two are probably the most sane adults you'll ever come across, and that's saying something."
Love, Loss, and Spilled Coffee
Her friends loved to hear the story of scott and anna, calling it the love story of the century _the century must have really low standards_ and declaring them the modern day romeo and juliet _still not sure if any of them ever actually read any shakespeare
But a lot end in tragedy, like his romeo and juliet. so i rewrote it. i think it's much better now! i sent a copy to answer's inbox. i hope he reads it and understands the subtext.
Another Perfectly Normal Day At School
romeo and juliet survived their suicide attempts because... romeo accidentally drank orange juice and juliet tried to stab herself with a wooden dagger!" hopefully none of the other kids would fact check tony on this.
What Comes After the Rapture
You remember, on the set of romeo and juliet, we fucked for the first time up in juliet's balcony. good times." the vixen pouted her big lips. "but you made me the slut i am today, steve. you corrupted your poor innocent sister.