Virtual Friendship, Draft 1 CH 13

"not yet, he's a little busy explaining to an independent island why it is we dropped a special force team without first asking their permission." "why are you so happy about this?"

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Matthias grievous and the Dinosaurian empire

We went to the special forces academy, where we spent the next 4 years learning how to use every part of our bodies as a weapon. there are three types of martial arts: tooth, claw and tail.

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Reuniting with the past

"i sure as hell hope that the reports of 'special forces personnel is true." lt. wade muttered. "why sir?" 'i can't believe i might be getting saved' lt. wade thought. " sorry, what did you say constable wilson?"

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Monster I Have Become: Ch. 6

'there can't _possibly_ be a way for a target to lose the special force!' right? well, _they_ did. and now we can't find them again." "abby! come on! you are supposed to be an elite special force captain! how can you lose a target like that?"

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New family and old friends

We're special forces, and we believe that there might actually be a gas attack on jubilife city. we need to get through. we know how to nullify the gas." all of the officers stared at us after i said we're special forces.

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Flawed Art Online

Warrior guy had once been special forces, and not just any special forces. he knew the addresses and access codes for the hardened military internet, the one that runs off buried hard lines and is forty-proof against everything.

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i pod love part 2

Once i am mostly heeled a mi genral and 5 special forces sargents come into my room. two of the special forces guys go to the window and two stay by the door.

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The War Chapter 1

The marine co had called in for reinforcements, and the local carrier happened to be transporting army special forces. that is the special forces division 5.

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Arctic Wolves Preview Two

About half of us where out when the world exploded and became darkness and the start of my life as a special forces commando.

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A Warrior's Forgiveness (Part One)

"yes, sir," first sergeant eric 'sarge' johnson, a twenty nine year old special forces operations sergeant, replied.

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Equestrian Wars: Rise of Carthage pt. 2- War on the Horizon. .

After the war, degrelle helped malickovich to join the sasha party and because of his expertise as a commander of special forces, degrelle personally had malickovich appointed as head of the sk brigade.

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A Dino's Crisis 7 - James, Wake Up

Moving away with them, he waited for the special forces to start searching through the complex, hiding behind corners and trying to direct the raptors to specific points to jump out from.

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