Virtual reality 1

#1 of virtual reality virtual reality by: nahualmorph disclaimer: this story contains scenes of hot sex between male anthropomorphic characters, but then again, you already know that right?

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Virtual Reality Love

I read the name of the program to myself quietly: virtual reality love. naturally when i heard about this months ago, it got me curious. after all, i am a gamer. i rushed inside my house and closed the door.

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The Reality of Virtual Reality

Your simulation was ended to make sure your sensory receptors were not damaged in the case of an emergency ejection from virtual reality. please give us a moment while we prepare your mind f-f-f-f-f-ffffffffooooooooooooooooo--" cheral blinked rapidly.

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The Blue Fox

In truth, this grid, this virtual reality is far more complex than he knows. it's like the bastard child of an onion and a potato. layers and branches everywhere.

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Escape From Death

Science can be a wonderful thing. And then it can also be a fickle bitch that loves to do nothing other than make peoples' lives a living hell. With life as they knew it becoming so monotonous and boring, they sought to make it more interesting....

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Under The Cherry Blossoms Part Three

_Author's Note: this Chapter will contain brief Nudity. You have been warned._ Credit is due to my friend Rain who helped me to figure out the way the tech works for the Virtual Dive. After glancing at the virtual rig a bit longer I moved to go...

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Reference Guide.

Virtnet: the virtual reality that everyone basically lives in now airpuffs/liquigels/nervewires: parts of the coffin that stimulate nerves to make your body feel what you feel in the virtnet.

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The Inner Animal

The Inner Animal Stirring awake, I felt my eyes open to be assaulted by light. My mind felt numb and my arms wobbled as I pulled them up to my face to wipe off the sweat that was beginning to form on my forehead. My mouth was dry, feeling as if...

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Pixel Shift - Chapter 1

Chapter 1 Welcome back sister o' mine "How much has this place changed since I've been gone?" She asked, looking around at the old buildings, her eyes sparkled with memories. Their were many different people walking around, humans, demi-humans, and...

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Virtual Duels Intro

It looks nothing like a virtual reality video game; it looks real. the announcer introduces me as arcine (that's pronounced are-see-nay) calline (cay-yee-nay).

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Psalm of the Phoenix

Psalm of the Phoenix Written on commission by Socks ([]( © 2012 Socks Furrotica (ch 1) Tom's throat rasped with each cough as he held the paper towel to his...

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A Much Needed Break

"heh, virtual reality. that's cool." he said. "so on the platform and that's it?" "righto!" ron said as he got inside the blue circle and slide his down over his eyes. manta chuckled at his eagerness and moved next to him and slid his down as well.

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