Chapter Five: Anyone Else Hear... Bells?

How those two connected was anyone's guess at that point, but they did, somehow. there were mutual interests between them, however.

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Why would anyone want to fuck a dragon?

Why would anyone actually want to take a dragon to bed, lie atop her and run your hands over her body, feeling the bump of every tiny scale caress your hand, softer than your own skin, yet smooth and glassy, and feel her breath against your face as she watches

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Anyone wanna do a detailed abdl rp?

Does anyone want to do a detailed abdl to? if so please please please pm me. preferably i would like it to be boy on boy. i don't care what role i play. i can be the little or daddy. i just want a good rp. thanks.

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Poke Quest Chapter 3 : Porting, anyone?

Choices : A - 0 B - 1 C - 0 D - 1 (Oh wait, no one knows charm or sweet scent... so kind of unable to go through with this choice. Next time, perhaps recommend a sexual display of some sort.) \_\_\_\_ As the larger feral rushed...

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Does anyone read my journals. xD

So I've been wondering what everyones thoughts are on my story series. I've hit a bit of a spot on where to go, to keep things interesting. Such as, Do I continue with the story on the ship (Main Story Arc), or do I break away, and have old characters...


CH2: A Little Improvisation Never Hurt Anyone

Urmine flips through the yellowed pages of the book seated next to her sister. Eventually one of the pages manages to catch her fancy. "What about this one?" She asks, a claw pointed to a picture of a hybrid between a man and a bull. "A minotaur?!"...

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Lady and The Tramp II: Scamp's Adventure: Breakfast, Anyone?

Scamp and Angel lay on the cool tile floor, sleeping, head to head, and back to back. The temperature had fallen to a high of 77 degrees. No longer was an over easy baking sun granting humidity over the Jim Dear, and Darling address. Steady rain, and...

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A SutomuRyuza and FrostDeathore RP - The Jail that Never Releases Anyone Chapter 1

This is an RP done by me, SutomuRyuza, and FrostDeathore of FA, There is only little edit to correct the text. The story's plot didn't change. Me and FrostDeathore wanted to archive our RP and create a script story to show everyoen our...

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Clueless chapter 20: You can't tell anyone I'm fat!

I ripped my phone out of my pocket and banged out a quick message: _you can't tell anyone i'm gay_. i held it close up to his face, paw shaking. scott never stopped smiling as he read my message, "'you can't tell anyone i'm fat'?

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David's Start of a New Adventure (Ch.21 - Love Can Bring Anyone Back Together)

**Why hello everyone! TripleX and Oathy here with Ch.21 (and Ch.11 at Oathkeeper's account).** **I'm sorry to say that this chapie is going to be rather short, but that's going to be made up with-...... Oh I don't want to spoil you guys, so just read...

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An unusual friend (vore, wolf/cat)

Bast watched anyon waiting patiently, ready to take the wolves lead off of the farm._ "follow me then" anyon replied cheerfully "and we'll put your adventurous spirit to use."

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An unusual friend: part 2 (Vore, Wolf/Rabbit)

As quick as he could, anyon looked around to analyse the situation.

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