In Fine Feather: Part One

"I wish I could fly with you, Ri," Torio said as he reached over to touch my wing. I chirped my agreement, though my desires were torn between spending time with him and enjoying the sky. "In a few days, I am sure we will again." "Right," he said,...

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Frisky Fuzzy Fennecs

Jenna pushed me against the wall the moment she locked the door of her apartment. A hungry growl was my only warning before her lips met mine. The cream-colored fuzz on her muzzle tickled my chin, and I reached up to stroke the pale hair that fell...

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Feathers with Benefits, Part Three

"Do we really have to go?" I murmured to Riane. The pink hues of sunrise had long since faded, but neither of us wanted to move from our embrace. There was probably some mushy reason behind our mutual reluctance to start packing, and perhaps some...

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Feathers with Benefits, Part Four

We woke before the morning sun rose into view, or so we thought; the skies were still too overcast for a clear look. I hoped the current drizzle was the worst we would face for the rest of the morning, but with the cliffside blocking sight of the...

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Nothing Feathered, Nothing Gained - Excerpt

A group of four clay brick houses surrounded a fifth building that served as store room and kitchen. Drasik's bordered one of the main city streets, which was perfect for business and tolerable for living. It was home, or close enough to it. A familiar...

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Lana tossed the hanging towels into the bathtub, along with a blanket and a pillow. One of her pointed ears swiveled to catch the heavy thud of Tarrant's four paws echoing down the hall, breaking the rise-and-fall wail of the emergency siren half a...

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Bubble Entendre Part Five (M/M)

I laid out my armor and stripped out of my shirt before stepping inside, and kept my expectations as clear as possible. To my mild and pleasant surprise, it was fairly cozy. The cave would have been low for a full-size Mizutsune and half the floor...

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Bubble Entendre Part Five (M/F)

I laid out my armor and stripped out of my shirt before stepping inside, and kept my expectations as clear as possible. To my mild and pleasant surprise, it was fairly cozy. The cave would have been low for a full-size Mizutsune and half the floor...

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Bubble Entendre Part Four (F)

Oat cakes and dried fruit made up my breakfast since I still didn't want to start a fire. Syreen was resting on the ridge when I made the short walk up. His head turned to regard me, a brief smile on his muzzle, and then his eyes returned to the...

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Bubble Entendre Part Four (M)

Oat cakes and dried fruit made up my breakfast since I still didn't want to start a fire. Syreen was resting on the ridge when I made the short walk up. Her head turned to regard me, a brief smile on her muzzle, and then her eyes returned to the...

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