Celestial Prisoner

A bellowing roar rolled through the sandy dunes of Rekhtara, the eastern edge of the Outer Planes, a place the Celestials and Deities called home. The area was vast and led by a strong willed eagle known as Salth. The avian demigod was considered to...

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Finding the Purr Again - Part 1

**This isn't going to be a series, but rather a story with a definite beginning and end broken up into most likely three or four parts. Thanks for reading and don't hesitate to post comments for me afterwards.** The cheetah shivered in his damp...

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Rasky's Jewel - Commission for Gruffy

I was so sick of school at this point, I would have gagged on the very next final and subsequently turned it in, but thankfully, there were no more left to go. Rushing out of the classroom, my feline claws continuously danced in their respective...

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When the Roles are Reversed - Commission for Night_Spore426

Marriages are not always what we wish they were when we first make the commitment at the altar. People change, feelings evolve, the person you thought you knew turns out to have been hiding a past they never shared with you before. Secrets can only...

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Welcome Home

The plane trip had been far too long for Jade. Multiple stops mixed in with even worse layovers had left the dragon in a rather foul mood, but he knew it would not last for long. As the hours ticked away and the final miles disappeared, the wheels...

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War never changes, it never has and it never will They all go out to fight an enemy because they're bad They're told that they threaten us by not bowing to us And they don't question that, they just listen Their commanders send down orders,...

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My Patience is Gone

What a wonderful world I get the privilege of living in How could I possibly complain I'm the pride and joy the world, I'm an American Shamelessly watching my freedoms flushed down the drain I voted for Obama in the last election He kept...



We all have someone we look up to as a person to emulate That person, whether related or not, that puts us in a state Of a desire to strive harder and push further to our goals How we all grow up strong stallions and mares after being foals We...



We all have someone we look up to as a person to emulate That person, whether related or not, that puts us in a state Of a desire to strive harder and push further to our goals How we all grow up strong stallions and mares after being foals We...


The Mysterious Ring

The trip to the cave was short, the distance no more than a few simple miles or so. It took far longer than I had expected, though, as I spent hours simply taking in the wondrous joys and breathtaking sights Skyrim had to offer. The bandits and their...

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First Weeks

_A story of a Khajiit following the game's actual story line and plot. This will follow mainly down the road I took in the game, but with added humor, emotion and twists you can't get from the video game. Selian is copyrighted to me. All other names,...

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Getting Geared Up

Took me a while, but the second installment is up in my Khajiit's journey through Skyrim. More to come later on. Selian is my guy, so leave him alone. The next day, I awoke with a happy heart, a content stomach, and an urge to get moving. The...

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