AnJ chapter 2: reconciliation
Tears forming at his eyes, alex ripped the ropes away like twigs, yanking the ballgag out of jason's maw as he whispers. "you're ok're ok..... did.........did he do anything to you?" "he......he....
Bucky & Pronk
Pronk moaned around the shiny cherry red ballgag in his mouth. bucky grinned from the sounds his husband made, "what's that, pronky? you're gonna have to speak up."
Modeling At The Sex Shop
Fen sighed as he put the ballgag back onto the shelf. the fox wasn't quiet sure why he had come to the local sex shop.
Collie, some mileage, two owners.
Truth be told, it was nearly perfect for the collie: his fluffy black and white fur wasn't caught in any of the buckles, his very slight belly was well supported by the straps, his plain pink leather collar and bright red ballgag weren't overly tight,
It's Too Tight - Chapter Four
It still happened fast enough to make him gasp, and quick as a flash, the ballgag-muzzle was shoved over his mouth.
Put in Place (Commission)
She pushed the ballgag back into his maw before he could protest. "stay quiet. i don't want to hear anything remotely coherent from a fuckup like you. you still can't even take this thing."
Malv's Pets: Night Out
That swayed her, and sera reluctantly let malv buckle the ballgag into her mouth. "you can have it last," malv said to zoe.
By the Book
Next came the ballgag, or so twilight thought, but it instead floated over to rarity, who took a rag from her dresser and cleaned off the spittle that had accumulated on the plastic sphere.
The King's Entertainment (Snuff Edition)
"g'rrrrrrrphh", the fox screamed through the ballgag, shutting his eyelids so tight it felt like his eyeballs are being squished against his sockets.
Just Another Day at the Office
He tore off her ballgag, letting her cry out. she whimpered and sobbed "p-p.... please... just let me go... i won't... no one will ever know" she cried quietly, though he hardly listened.
Patience of the Thief
Sure, her arms were still bound behind her, and even her tongue was trapped behind the ballgag, but with careful movements of her nose and tail, she was able to work the knot loose. all the while the duke snored on.
Endium's Game
Which means endium has to bite the ballgag bullet and do something he'd really rather not do in order to help the team succeed. or so he hopes!