Gahri pt 2- Love
The leader of the croc bandits walked through the bamboo admiring a gold band he put on his finger. "heheheh, this is nice." fung's second in command, gahri trotted over to him with a smile on his narrow snout.
Suel’s Pandaria Adventure
He felt painfully exposed and vulnerable lashed to the sturdy bamboo frame. after what felt like ages, there came a rustling from the edge of a stand of bamboo.
The Darkness of Drason Pt 2
I held the four foot bamboo stick in one hand. bamboo didn't break easily, and was nice and whippy. no one could ask me to kill one of my best friends, but while i knew i would lose a confrontation with devlin, someone had to do it.
This is another fine kettle of fish Pt1
The trees and vines gave way to bamboo. a good acre of the things, all about four metres tall, the giant bamboo shoots about fist sized in width towered above us. there was nothing else growing in this acre, only the bamboo.
My life with blaziken chapter 21
Becky was in the middle of a patch of bamboo, having sex with a bulbasaur, thats sick. "axel!" she gasped and dived into the thickets. i ran out of there, heading for the house.
Sleeping With The Enemy - Cake and Toys
The sign above the shop was colored in spring green with graying faded letters: green hillside the window was full of fake bamboo potted plants sat infrount of the bamboo with prices marked on various combinations of flowers, i opened the small door and walked
Kung Fu Panda: Closer
A knock on the bamboo wall. "umm, tigress?" she blinked, water having condensed on her eyebrows. night had fallen. had she slept through something? her fists clenched under the surface. "what is it, po?"
My Unplanned Summer Vacation Ch 16
We were surrounded by bamboo trees everywhere. i don't know how kouya can smell this? but anyways we found an old piece of bamboo lying on the grass, it was four feet long. i been using it as cane!
Pandaman and Duncan - Chapter 1
"agreed" to his "stereotypical" taste in bamboo foods, but rather than be an idiot about it (as in, not eating it for the simple reason that it was too commonly eaten) he just went ahead and ate all sorts of bamboo foods anyway.
Flight Academy: Chapter 2
It takes me a second to realize that they are full of crackers and one, being lightly racist, has bamboo stalks. i give a more than deadpan look to the group in response to the random food.
Mild Panda-monium
By this time the bamboo was nearly gone. i was already hard in contemplation for consummating this brief relationship. as she was on her back already, i figured it was now or never.
Suddenly Laquine - Chapter 1
Just about everything in the room was made of bamboo, even the maroon sheets under us. how the were-cats made fabric from bamboo was something they'd take to their graves.