Accidental Discovery

Ever so gently carter eased the glass out of his brother's paw and put it away.

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A New Kind of Casino (TF/TG/AR)

carter opted to play one more hand, getting 20 while the dealer bet him out with a 21. carter let out a deep groan.

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The Morning After

It took justin no time at all to start humping carter, but carter slowly pulled back. "justin, there's something i need to tell you before we continue..." carter said. justin hesitated.

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Snippet 2

Officer carter stopped at carters desk, and saluted as the commander stood. commander: "at ease officer " carter relaxed and stood patiently.

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John's Sexy Bartime

carter began breathing faster and faster, panting hard, as john's knot began to catch in carter's still tight tail hole.

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Black and White and Red All Over

Reaching up with his muzzle, carter pulled the tiger's scruff up and bit down on it, hard. noah yowled, the sound surprisingly loud in the confines of the storage room, and came hard around carter's shaft.

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Anything You Say

As someone who livestreamed as a hobby, carter basked in the attention he was receiving, attention which only made him more erect. carter loved the wind at this moment.

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Alpha Omega

carter hissed. braden tried to avoid answering the question. he wouldn't even look carter in the eye, but carter wasn't about to be dissuaded so easily.

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Chapter one - Meetings

carter shrugged, tossing his teeshirt towards the boxes, where it was deftly fielded by a paw. "thanks, carter! ...guns n roses? cool." accompanied from the sounds of rustling from deeper in the alley, lars jabbed carter in the small of his back.

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Space Stone

carter nodded at the thought of this, nearly willing.

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