The Dragon's Lament

I've only been punished this long for interrupting a clave meeting! and that just because i embarrassed father as the king of dragons at his first meeting..."

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The Dragon's Lament

But, despite that, you both are still to be punished; i had to leave a clave meeting to stop you before you were both bound mistakenly." he stood and walked through the barrier.

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Dogs of War - Chapter 3 - Witch hunter

"you think he's in league with arcos clave? but that's-" "absurd, yes, i know.

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Old Friends in a Younge Place (Otherwise Untitled)

For a radius of about twenty feet from a particular spot against the far wall there were only folks calmly eating in clothes that bore the sickly white tinging about the edges that come from being many times washed in the station laundro-clave.

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Quandro Llegare Al Bohio? (When Is my Return Home?)

No cuban home would be complete without a tres, the guitar so named for the three sets of double strings and a good set of claves, wooden keys whose 3-2 click-click-click click-click formed the basis of son cubano.

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Forward unto Dawn 2

clave, the catalysts ally during the infection outbreak of the state structure, colorado. i skipped this memory.  

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Beginning of the big butt hunt

Two plump thighs rose abouth the lioness's claves, that didn't seem to be skinny eather. for a quick moment joe was amazed that legs could be so plump, so big without seeming to be grotesque or sticking on the wrong body.

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As the music began playing, the deep bass drums and the steel-string guitar all in a familiar 3-2 rhythm of the claves the wolf began feeling chemical reactions within him as he talked enrvously to the she-wolf, dancing feverishly to the band.

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Making Bears pt 4

As he shook his traps bulged up next to his thick bull's neck and his claves became diamond shaped mounds. hair filled in quickly across his other wise smooth body.

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vuelta al problema

- pues entonces esa es la clave. a pesar de ser muy joven, javi es muy valiente, pues no teme en quitarle los trajes a más de un soldado. ya me imaginaba, como huiremos, como saldremos de esta cárcel y como rescataremos a david.

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Big Zebra Maker (Vignette for Dcrest 13)

My claves and legs bulged out with newfound power, the tight jeans barely able to hold back the growing mass. and my groin was burning up, giving me a painful hard on in my jeans. "what the fuck did you doooooo-!"

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El secuestro de los niños

Buscaba unos archivos en el ordenador y vio una carpeta comprimida con clave. finalmente consiguió entrar en la carpeta y pudo ver los periódicos escaneados. se sorprendió de ver esos recortes en el ordenador de su trabajo.

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