Blackblood Ch4

After they finish with their converstation, jess did some training with the team. then spend some girl time with nova making fun of sprx, play with otto outside and draws for while in antauri's room sitting by his side while he meditates.

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Tower of Ancients Chapter 2~The Land of Broken Dreams

"_ back at camp, rebecca tried to explain her converstation with raven to inuko.

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Tears Burn Bright

With both chris and lone running the converstation started, and what better way to start a conversation than with something thats been worrying you. "so lone, have those doctors finally figured out whats gumming up your works?"


Stay the cold.

_"it's great to be able to have a converstation out here. i mean, i love your company anyway but it's nice to talk."_ _"i want you to know..."_ oirik hesitated slightly. _"i love you. we all love you."_ graham smiled. _"i love you too.

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cubs can be naughty too!

Even the converstations her and her friends would have. he felt upset that people do see kids as just kids and told her that cubs are people too... they are just barely learning new things is all. she told him about what her mom was trying to tell her.

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Into the Vortex

The boys had apparently gotten bored with all of the grown-up converstion, and they had run off to eric's room to play, the big labrador retriever gamboling along behind them. the wolf stared again at how closely the dog watched that little boy.

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What once Was... Ch 12

I was kind of occupied most of the converstation." joey giggles, "you sure were! so i would like to see you perform." he winks at the fox.

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What It's All About

As if trying to confuse pat further, which was their intention from the start, the one with the bowl, now the name lost on him, jumped into the converstion. "wait, so you're 'gunya.' why didn't you response earlier?"

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Stranded Part IV

The tigress's mind wrapped itself around the conundrum almost against her will since it was important for her to remain above the converstation especially since she felt the strength of her command wavering at the sight of her extreme obesity.

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Falling For A Fox

Stan padded in right after "the blind could see that" fox looked at both stan and bill, then commented "um, private converstion in progress with my husband" bill laughed. "oh please.

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