DNA: Deoxys Nuts Aliens
Destiny flew in high earth orbit, as usual. thinking nothing would be in her way until \*CLONK\* She smacked face first into a space ship. Pia had been on the bridge, just running the ship as her mistress Deire had ordered, until an impact shook the...
Death of DNA Chap.1 The Beginning
Wolf's dna molecules through radioactive fusion.
Invader Zim and the DNA Virus of Doom
Zim's original dna was been mutated to the special viral dna sequence that he had just created. he knew exactly what he was to become, and it horrified him to no end. he found the idea of becoming part human revolting.
Gina CatGirl 1
Billion characters -- and human dna is over 98% the same as chimpanzee dna so you don't need three billion for each!
The Gate-Way Revisited: Chapter 17 Striking Back
Leo said as he pulled the two strands of dna up over the table. "i looked through your dna, my dna, jake's and shawn's. in the first three we find this sequence here. yet shawn doesn't have it."
Interlude: Committee Briefing
On a cellular level the subject might have more dragon dna than human, but that doesn't mean too much - about 96% of human dna is the same as a dragon's already, and most of the things a cell does won't even notice the new dna.
Strong Wolf Chronicles part 6 - Unidentified
"as you can see, the dna from your mother hasn't changed at all. your father's, however, is being replaced with the pokemon dna you've been acquiring, represented here in red."
Alt Earth 4077 Historical Post 1
By using viral dna we will be giving our dna a third helix strand anchored to spheres of reactive enzymes that have been stripped from the small pox virus and rendered stable.
BioLab 2
Ok, the dna control app had finished the sequence for bentona's foxtoy. mel's specs so far, species and fur color, expected duty groups made it use dna line k, the eleventh one defined. variant n, the fourteenth variant.
dna mixing made bodies and brains, the physical structures, but not minds, how the connections are used.
Working for BSI -1
As a dna mix, she wore no clothes, just the fur and leather collar. all the dna mixes in this compound were recom level four generation two.
Kevin was biosyn's fourth level, second generation dna mix, hence r4g2; and the fourteenth variant of their eleventh dna line, hence kvn.