The White Horizon: Death in The Snow
My tears became his eulogy, the snow was his coffin, and these brief seconds were his funeral. i could see two tiny bulbs of ice, that had once been his tears. mine were falling onto him as fast as the snow around me is now.
Through the Cracks - Only Going In Circles
"if it's not that... then this is a eulogy. if he's not out there, then he's gone. whatever gone means, for someone who went where he went, which i guess it turns out i do in fact believe that he did.
Ghastillo Nightshade's Journal
A eulogy? maybe a journal like mine... year 40xx, month 6, week 2, day 5i watched the panther bury his brother. i had trouble keeping my tears from giving myself away as he laid his brother to rest with a teddy bear in his arms.
Lykos Redemption Act IV Ch. 2
. ~~~~~~~ **lykos redemption** **\\\\\\\**** \\\\\\\act iv/////** ch 2: eulogy of the damned coulter darkclaw "brothers...sisters...zeus has yet again slighted us. he has shown what sort of deity he is and we shall not answer to him.
The Outlander 3 33
"i refuse to eulogize my father, because that would be accepting the fact that he has died. my father was a noble and wise fox. he taught me many things, how to respect other beasts and not to discriminate because they're not my species.
The Flower of Scotland
Remember hamlet's eulogy for his father?" i nodded. "'he was a man, take him for all in all / i shall not look upon his like again.'" "and so shall you never see another man like your grandpa. or me. and we shall never see another man like you."
Slutcat and Sworddog #14
I'd rather not die down here though, so let's not start eulogizing yet. but you should know i feel the same about you. even if you _are_ the horniest cat i've ever met." "thank you sworddog." "it is my pleasure slutcat."
CotWJ I: Foreword and Faustus' dissapearence
My colleagues have assumed the worst, they talka bout writing him a eulogy. but i wasn't so easily daunted.
Thats all i ever was, that's my fucking eulogy. a hack-job who never stood on his own two feet. a meteoric rise to mediocrity that ended like the challenger mission. ground control to major tom.
The Top of the Food Chain-Ch. 1-The Exciting Life of Matt Flynn
With that, matt pressed a button that played a piece from one of the bands new songs, "blood soaked eulogy". "thank you mr. flynn, and please call me robb." "very well, and do please call me matt, mr. flynn was my granddad.
Her eulogy had sounded absolutely pathetic to her. she was no poet. _'there are just so many of you and there's only one of me.
The Human Species Ch. 93 - Care: Generativity vs. Stagnation
Celebi started before finding herself at a loss for words, realizing she was about to give the least fitting eulogy ever, "... no, this is not something you need to know about." "... it's about me, isn't it?"