College Life: Chapter 2

I was thinking about if he has girlfriend, if he was gay, if he do excercise, if he was that atractive.

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Spectres Part 1: It Begins

This is where you will gather for briefings on your assignments and excercises. my name is commander sera lancer. i am in charge of the "holy knights". the young ladies in this room will be under my command from here on out.

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Short Stories with Cassandra

Just an excercise to get me to actually write more. this is gonna be a series of shorts just to get my fingers moving.

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Tales of the unfortunate

And she didn't care; after all, extra excercise didn't hurt anyone. and the school was just a kilometre away.

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Feeding the Ducks

And i bet we could easily add another twenty or thirty years to our lives with a bit of excercise, a lust for life, and of course," she reached down and put her paw on his crotch, "a lust for one another."

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Falling in ... with style Part 1

The only thing we learned was how to wear this power armor, let alone any combat excercises." "well were still alive thanks to our combat skills arnt we?" "yeah if you include running away while screaming like a girl a skill."

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Locked inside-out: Ch.2 Fear of Both Worlds

My body maintained it's rather thin shape, perhaps from the pre-formed diet consisting of the dry food that jessica buys for me, losing mostly muscle mass from lack of excercise.

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"Alright alright, I'm coming!" Sedric was nowhere near to the door whose bell was disturbing his sleep. He was still in bed in fact. Even though he didn't usually make much of a fuss of them, he considered his birthday to be the one day of the year...

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Random Encounter.txt

A small clearing lay ahead with a nice boulder to sit on and enough space to excercise in peace. twigs cracked beneith his weight, his strong legs pushing past the branches.

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The Chance Chronicles : episode 1

He was a large wolf with beutiful fur and from the looks of it he excercised. he even looked... nice. "can i help you?" was all he said in a calm voice. it had been days since someone didnt yell at chance.

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After the Bombs

She had a very nice body, having had to excercise and diet unwillingly, but it wasn't like anyone would see her anyway. she wore thick boots on her feet at all times, and a pair or scratched goggles on her forehead.

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Ladder Racing - Chapter 1 - 2

This is the sketch book where i doodle my excercises. i took that sketch book, slapped some ink and colours on the excercises, and tried to tie it all together with a bridging narrative. what i've acomplished remains to be seen.

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