Antecedent 6
"we'll be taking a lot of griffins with us," sentinel reasoned with a wry grin.
Luna and Thief: Christmas Special
_ griffin's younger voice poked at his mind and memories.
The Feral Planet: Bestiary
The one notable exception to this is the griffins. the griffins being much larger and generally much more intelligent have effectively shown their dominance over and have largely merged their society into that of the dragons.
Boss and Prostitute
Zander reached for griffin's pants. he unbuttoned them and unzipped them. griffin stood up, his pants fallen to the ground and he steps out of them.
Breaking Point
"this isn't a breeding program to restore the wild population of griffins?" it all made sense.
Issue 05: Magic and Rituals
Magic griffins also use this gift. many rumors say that the dragons and griffins living in the dragons dogma should all have the gift of the voice without exception.
Eggceptional Vacation Get Away: Hayati
Since then it was tradition that all knights in his service learn to tame and ride griffins!
The Winged Warriors (part 1)
It took only half an hour to finish off the griffins army, so it wasn't much of a victory for their clan since the dragon and griffin war has been going on for thousands of years.
Falling Out and Falling In 5
Gruth huffed and kept sucking, pulling more of the griffin's paw past his lips until the full thing was in his mouth.
Always Read the Fine Print
The humiliated griffin's ears folded backwards. caleb soaked in the view of travis naked.
Sandwich Meats
Both griffins felt their heart hit their craws. "you're like humping her so hard and she was like ooooooooh and you were like aaaaaah and squawk and you look so happy and..."
MLP: The Griffin Wars
In the shallow valley below was a massive army of griffins. standing behind the large army was their king and beside him was celestia.