Chapter 3: a hiker's appearance
Sure the hiker would remember having a blow job from the fullgrown pink scaled velociraptor. who could forget something like that? but suzy was not worried. the woods were too large and vast for the humans to track her down even if the hiker did tell.
Chapter 1: The Sweet, Swelling Secrets of Suspicious Sap...
He was a hiker, a nature-lover who enjoyed exploring through scenic, wilder places. and in the pokemon world, there are still plenty of wild places... but aspen was no burly, husky sort like most hikers.
Spiral Nebula - Chapter 25 Part Two
Snow fell heavily over the mountain, which forced many of the hikers to settle down for the night. yukiomaru was between tang and jun and another half dozen hikers who were seeking shelter from the storm.
Pokemon: Turning Over A New Leaf! - Chapter 8
The hiker yelled. in one swift motion, he pushed me to the ground, flat on my back, and continued to pound into me.
"Off the Beaten Path": NSFW (Male Anthro Lion TF)
The hiker's eyes opened wide as he looked at the tiger before him.
Friendly Guidance sneak peek
"i run into a lot of hikers like you..." you respond that, yes, you're just out on a hike with friends, and you went for a wander and lost track of- ...hang on. if they've met hikers before, but they're still in the forest...
City Choas
With two hikers stuck to his warm and moist feet the hikers were used by the dragon as natural sandals by the cruel innovation of the giant.
Beckoning Call
"looks bad," one of the hikers said as they started walking over to the shed, their boots crunching the freshly fallen snow beneath them. on reaching the shed, his assumption proved true.
Can't Escape, Part IX: Thoroughly Cunning
The hiker winked toward apparently nothing, signaling his kecleon to do the other half of zap's job.
Can't Escape, Part VI: Highly Curious
The hiker tucked his candy inside a small pocket in his ninetales' vest and turned about.
She gave a solemn nod and i didn't say anything more about the hiker or his charmeleon. at least they would get a proper burial now. i felt an icy lick from mika and smiled.
Warrior's Blood, Chapter 1: The Ruin
He asked the other man in the cabin, a hiker in the passenger seat. the spot he was looking for wasn't apparent on either of his map screens.