Phantom Chronicles Chapter 10

I '_knew_' how howie felt, he was always very close to raymond, even before we started dating... heck, howie's the one who set us up." he explained as calmly as possible before looking back to his book.

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Phantom Chronicles:Chapter 7

_ i thought as i began to struggle fruitlessly in howie's vice-like grip while howie launched into his rant which was loud to me being so close and cause of me being a canine...stupid amplified hearing .

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Phantom Chronicles: Chapter 7

I thought as i began to struggle fruitlessly in howie's vice-like grip while howie launched into his rant which was loud to me being so close and cause of me being a canine...stupid amplified hearing.

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Phantom Chronicles Chapter 15

howie was just about to say something when he saw hope running towards them. "did you guys already handle the shadows? that was fast!" she stated cheerfully before saying hi to both howie and her roommate. "actually howie took care of them!"

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Pann's Feeders: Howie

"'howie'? who are you calling 'howie'?" there's that dangerous smile on your face, the one you show when you know there's no way you're getting any resistance. you stuff the entire unwrapped bunny into my muzzle as i try to correct myself: "daddy..."

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The City of Lost Heaven: Chapter 23

He did end up finding howie, who was locked in the basement. i half expected, reading from the sad look on his face, that howie was long gone, just as homicidal as jacob catwright was when we found him. but he wasn't.

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Phantom Chronicles Chapter 16

"i'll take sunny, you two sneak howie in the dorms." with that hope and sunny quickly vanished into a portal presumably to their room. after several moments of encouraging we managed to get howie into his spirit form and got him to fly towards our room.

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silver and wine

James asked and she answered with a look of fear "howie, my ex boyfriend." the bear grabbed her arm roughly. "you're coming with me ali." she struggled to get free. "howie stop! youre hurting me!"

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Alley Cat Chapter 2

She called out, "goodbye howie! you horny bastard." only she could hear, of course, but that's all that mattered. howie was where she got the briefcase.

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Phantom Chronicles Chapter 8

In other words howie was just being howie. i _somehow_ managed to convinced him that i had the problem handled and i just needed help covering the evidence. i have to admit i didn't have a lick of hope that even he could save my face.

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Stream Lining

"why don't you shut up and suck my cock, howie?" he turned his body to face his bull friend, working on his other arm now. howie didn't need convincing. bulls were easy to dominate, once they got their rocks off.

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