Chapter 2 - Understanding Pasts

"there were other indecisive guardians aside from you that died for the same reason?" "indeed. mostly all of the time guardians died in such way.

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Snapshot: Wolf and Fox 2

"oh let's see his answer" he told the sales rep who patiently had been waiting on him and his indecision. "i've got some hardwood for you ;3" it read. the fox sighed. there was much facepaw.

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Lost and Confused

When, just me transcribing my thoughts onto paper shrugs **lost and confused** my heart, broken once again by the unfaithfulness of one and the priority of another and yet, it still searches on broken and limp my heart searches on indecisive

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Autumn Authoring Ad-lib Adventure, Day 25

This can't be the end... 23. an old flame 24. indecisive **today's seed is: will they/won't they?** when adding onto your story, separate each submission by five hyphens. example: - - - - - and then continue your tale.

A Foxes Savior.

After a few moments of indecision she turns and reaches towards her savior. as soon as she reaches he moves away, just enough to stay out of her reach. she turns back around to see that her family is nowhere around.

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In Response

Quit messing around with these drugs, and liquor bottles, and indecision with whether or not to drop drama at work, and get with it, andy. for all things around, you are sensitive, listening, beautiful, and in most respects, a gentleman.

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Lament of the Hunted

I storm through the night and i burst through the day   but indecision i fight - what good will it do?   to be hunted forever like the beast that i am   or to turn myself in and surrender to you?     what good can i do when i'm running like this?  

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Wolf River - Chapter 4

She stood on the ridge a moment longer, racked with indecision. she almost turned back, but she forced herself on. she had resolved herself to seek out the creature and she would carry out this deed.

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Adventures in College: Chapter Three (Teaser)

Craig chuckled when shook his head "feeling indecisive tonight?" i smiled a bit and looked down "well you have really great taste in music so i had a hard time deciding what to put on." he chuckled and shook his head again "whatever you say shep."

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Once Broken Draft 1 CH 02

The anger surprised jacoby more than the indecision. he hadn't thought tech capable of anger. he'd seen him pestered by kids to the point where he himself would have set them scamming, but tech had answered all their questions.

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The teaching of Kaa (part 6)

\>\> kaa asked, taking advantage of the indecision of mowgli. \<\\> said, bringing out his two hemipenes. mowgli stood and watched with amazement the two big hemipenes. \<\\> asked curious.

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Of Foxes and Portals (Teaser)

Several more seconds of indecision latter, i was beginning to think about opting out, when a screen change brought my full attention back to the monitor. a new query line had just been placed under the original. "learn more." it read.

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