Luke vs Tsume. A battle of Speed vs. Dexterity

#2 of character fights so had another fight themed rp with my buddy phoenixrage16 this time featuring his earth phoenix, and girlfriend to korban, tsume mondiale and my lucario, luke.

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Five Dragons: DLvP Kapitel 4: Die Schattenseite der Grossstadt

korban?" entgegnete der kämpfer die begrüssung des kerkermeisters und hielt ihm lächelnd eine offene hand entgegen. „natürlich sind noch alle da!" antwortete korban mit seiner lauten stimme und griff sich mardons hand.

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Kieran vs Sash. Tenacity vs Pride

Looks a lot like korban's almost..." he then stanced himself and slowly brought his paw to his face.

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Five Dragons: TLoP: Chapter 4: The Shadow Site of the Capital

korban?" said the fighter against the greeting of the jailer and held out smiling an open hand. "of course, there are all there!" korban said with his loud voice and clutched mardons hand. he pulled him to himself and patted him brother like on the back.

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Dragonball Ultimate Arc 1, Chapter 1: Plans Gone Awry

Destruction... Carnage... That was all the infant Saiyan could see as he was loaded into a Saiyan Pod. His underdeveloped mind couldn't process what was going on or why such destruction was befalling his home. All he knew was that he was scared...

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Illusionary Peril

Today was about to become a rather...interesting day in Port Azure. Luke had been feeling somewhat antsy for a while now since his last group mission with Volcan and Team Phalanx, and it was becoming quite apparent to the...

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Illusionary Peril

Today was about to become a rather...interesting day in Port Azure. Luke had been feeling somewhat antsy for a while now since his last group mission with Volcan and Team Phalanx, and it was becoming quite apparent to the Blaziken that something...

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Kaleb Lightfire vs Vinge Glaseros. A battle of skill and tactics

Kaleb slowly walked into the arena rubbing his head. "...So much for a peaceful solution...." Vinge descended from above, landing softly on the ground, before standing up and crossing his arms. "Let's see what you can do." He uncrosses his arms and...

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Minato vs The Darkness. The ultimate clash of Light vs Shadow

It was a sunny mid afternoon. The sun was high in the sky shining brightly down on a rocky desert below. Everything seemed peaceful and quiet....almost too quiet....Then instantly a loud boom was heard and from the source, a man was spiralling away at...

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"which brings me to my buddy korban; he's the one i mentioned before that i originally met when he was sent by an enemy of mine to kill me."            

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Volcan's Gaming Discussion (Part 2)

User=329809&character=0&clevel=2) korban]( "korban") so i keep playing it.

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Chaos Chapter 13: Rescue Mission

Written by myself and korban edited by me proofread by korban coffee; the lifeblood of all hard-working artists. can anyone spare me some change for one? "you called us here, captain luke. what is the emergency?"

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