The Human Species Ch. ?? - Copyrighted Trademark Lucario

lonesome wanderer lucario!_ * * * the show starts with a shadow running through a forest.

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Happy Valentine's Day, Thorn and Saphira

I'm just as lonesome as you are. ...then i guess it seems that we will both be very lonesome as no-one will take me, either. fixing saphira's problem was not the only reason thorn wanted to see saphira, there was something he wanted to ask her.

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The Driver

Not wanting anyone to share his pain, the lonesome driver continues through the rain.


Thank Goodness for Lonesome Roads

The little piece of paper was covered with numbers now. No matter how many times he did the math, the result was the same. 10,080. That was the number of minutes in a week. He thought about converting it into seconds, but he didn't want to know. He...

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Generous Prince Goldengrin

I'm a poor lonesome bandit, a poor lonesome bandit, a poor lonesome bandit and a long way from home." there was a knock at the door. the wind whistled through the holes in the window and through the chimney, humid and chilled.

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MoonLight Nights.

For now anyway till i decided i was yet again lonesome.

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The sweet moonlit night dark and bright falls still. all in its grasp they lay still motionless. cold creeps into the soul as lonesome and bitter the tears well and freeze. life a haze as the mist of loss cuts, its knife rigged and cold as it lays a blanked


Care Bears Family Adventures, The Cold Wars c1

How's the new cub," she peered past lonesome, who just stepped aside to let her friend into the house then led her to the nursery.

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The Human Species Ch. 40 - Prologue of Year 11

** lonesome hunchback lucario was recently spotted by a young trainer in the canyons west of route 15, heading south. the trainer and his pokテゥmon engaged him, but were immediately knocked out.

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Tale Of The Lonesome Prankster Part 1: The Sleeping Forest

Tale of the lonesome prankster. **disclaimer: i do not own pokémon or any related material. this is a work of fiction. any references or connections you may see here are purely accidental.

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Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 4: Chapter 17

She turned to watch lonesome and redemption. lonesome had a small mist of darkness hovering in her hands while redemption was visibly struggling to lift a small piece of cloud up.

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lonesome husky poem i gess

H. heart that is lost beyond recogniction. U. under the rocks alone. S. sucks and blows thats how i go. K. kindling his soul on a stick. Y. you are the one i love but you never show when i want to love you back. I'm a husky.

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