Prevues of Upcoming Attractions

The tip of the machete is pulled up to the crazed, wide eyed glint of evil, ready to be swung down. the wolf's scream is cut off abruptly by a thick chop.

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Lunar Tales Arc 1 [Revolution] Chapter 3 - Regal Disaster

Seeing them in trouble, the chimera unsheathes his machete and walks up to the armed humans. "step away from the vulpines unless you want to lose a limb!" plasma threatened the soldiers as he nears them. "the hell?"

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Island Message

It stared at her for a moment with the machete clutched tightly. a gunshot filled the air.

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Seeonee 2 - Chapter 10

Frantically, i searched for my knives and found my machete. my kick against shere-khan's head was not enough to knock him out for long. he had jumped up and he lashed out with his left claw when i was reaching out for the machete.


Dead in love part3

Sif swung the machete at bob's leg and cut it clean off. payback's a bitch, time to die bob. fuck you damn faggot, people like you disgust me, bob shouted.  i grabbed the gun  and shot bob in the head. fuck you too bob!!


Lunar Tales Prologue - Tragic Start

The invaders charge at the hybrid who parries with a block from his machete and cuts down his attacker by slashing at his chest killing him.

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Planet Fall

I drew my machete and walked to point, and tested the vine in front of me. it was reasonably thick, and quite flexible. i brought the machete down, and cleanly chopped the vine in half, both ends falling away.

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Fruit of the Underground 1

This left a large opening for bujin to attack, so he stepped forward and slashed at the knight's midsection with his machete. the knight staggered forward and clutched his stomach with a free paw.

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Lament of the Moon: S&H - Ch.03: Predator of Innocence - Ep04

Shawn crawled backward cowardly, aiming to reach for the machete he dropped. "you picked the wrong day to mess with my friend, pal."

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Beasts, Arc II: Later Gator (Part 1)

The bald man raised his machete. "well, you got that part right. you won't be sayin' nothin'!" the jaguar managed to scream for a second or two before the machete split his skull in half.

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Seeonee 2 - Chapter 5

I strapped the bowie knife to my right thigh, and the machete to my left and started the long hike back to balaghat, and shere-khan's territory.


Beastly Birthday

He felt the machete slip out of his hands as the wind was knocked out of him, his legs and sides aching.

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