Unethical Medical Practice
Knock, knock. "Are you all set, Mr. Butler?" Bass, the sonographer aka ultrasound technician, asked as he cracked open the door. "Yes, sir." the horse on the table replied to the snake. The snake behind the door stepped inside and gasp in shock...
Full Moon Medication
Full moon medication i have a drinking problem which is my roommate, ben. he's moping in the kitchen, for the moon is up again. he's brought down all the jager and the boxiest of wine and a greenish cup of absinthe that smells of turpentine.
Medically (Un)Necessary
"just dandy, daddy," gin chuckled tipsily; he watched marino push the rolling rack with his medical bags so it stood next to the table, keeping his iv line slack.
Steep medical bills - by Draconicon
Steep medical bills for virion by draconicon after two hours, it was clear that the injection wasn't going to clear up on its own. virion bit the bullet and decided to find a doctor.
A not so professional medical exam
Having the tin of medical lube in his paw feran steeled himself again.
Siyu's Sensational Medical Marvel
Advice from a professional medical colleague and all that?" he happily chitters mirana huffs a bit as shi works to get hirself back to standing. waddling to the door, shi opens it and, before shi can even properly greet him, siyu starts to talk.
Mission 02.2 – A Night in Medical
She hoped that the ship medical stores held some of the suppressants that she needed since the ship was now housing a multitude of species. though deep down she hoped that one of the male nurses or medics were on duty that she could have a little fun.
Mandatory 18th Checkup
It's medical-use only, though, sadly." "what happens now?" he asked, watching dr carson unravelling a short length of medical paper. a gloved paw tore the paper off and let it drop onto the tray. "you just need to lie back now."
Always Read the Fine Print AND Awakening
Trair took a seat, his ever present smile burning into avrum's mind, he responded calmly "you are in one of seven's new medical and military research labs, and more precisely you are located in the only complete recovery room in the east wing of the james
"silly kitty, you forgot to take your medication, and as such, had another episode." shi replied, softly murring and stroking snowy's head, giving a kisslick. "damn, i knew there was something i'd forgot."
Five Month vacation chapter 1: prologue
I awoke from the sudden noise. It was my faithful companion that helped me get up in the morning, my alarm. I turn over and stare at the numbers. It's five in the morning. I usually wouldn't get up this early especially on a weekend. I slowly get up...
Tumble of Words (Otherwise Untitled)
~ the small consultation office was complicated with various medical sundries and instruments, along with informational posters adorning each wall in turn. ~ "know your patient rights!"