Una partida de póker.
Volvió a incorporarse a la mesa de juego y repartieron la primera mano. ganó la primera ronda. todos se despojaron de una prenda y vuelta a comenzar.
Respecting Elders
"mesa no can help it yodi-day!" jarjar giggles, "mesa want ship to land so can play with annie!"
Black Mesa: Inbound
"good morning, and welcome to the black mesa transit system. this automated train is for registered staff only, visitors must use the visitors train, unless they are traveling with a registered staff member.
Chapter Three - Nightlife
Servomotors whined dully as the lift dropped the seventy-five meters to the mesa's peak.
[com] Ambush on the Mesa
She couldn't let her tribe know what had happened to her on the mesa. the cottontail had every intention of lying to her friends and family, telling them all there was nothing on the mesa but desolate soil and scraggly vegetation.
Pruebas sexuales
Pregunto taru - "debes subirte a la mesa y poner tus manos y pies en los grilletes" respondio el robot taru se acerco a la mesa mirando la maquina de azotar, el se subio y puso sus manos y pies en los grilletes los cuales se cerraron, en eso la maquina comenzo
Vidas entrelazadas 23 (Dean y Marcus)
Si le obligaban a sentarse en aquella mesa, lo haría lo más lejos posible de aquella zona.
Undesirable location
The mesa team leader shouts before we all get up and dart to the entrance.
Test Chamber
-black mesa- "shut it down, all its doing is causing the dead to rise," said eli, "and we've lost him anyway." -d.m.f.- locke had pulled him out just in time for him to live but not to be unchanged.
Olum's Pool: Chapter Two
First the tops of the trees are tipped with gold, and the mesa rimmed in bronze, then the trunks and tents glow with their own reflected shades.
La Ceremonia De La Carne
Las mesas, los cubiertos, los platos y demás utilería están puestos. los invitados están listos y las presas están preparadas para ser servidas.
Aunque yo preparo la comida solo preparo muy poco para mi y lo otro lo pongo envuelto para llevármelo a casa, con los platillos listos solo los pongo en al mesa y me siento junto al seños torres.