Roi des Voleurs Ch. 2: Question and Answer

The last bit is a solemn oath between a moorlander and her young. as long as the kit will hold onto his mother, so will she hold onto him. it's a.... very personal thing." temmy nodded with great understanding. "my mum never taught me much of anything.

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Jonathan Steed: Risico- Chapter 1

But the seven-passenger limousine seemed to glide over the thick cushion of snow, passing with blank headlights barren moorland that glowed eerily in the dim light of the moon.

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Carlton and Dante - Deprivation

The two ventured into the grassy moorland, eventually making it into grass which reached up to their torsos, making the sight in front of them unclear. nothing majorly disastrous, just some obscured views.

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It was like a small moorland, with a series of streams and rivers runing through it. tochi leaped up one of the tors to the very top, so they could overlook the valley. arzhi was amazed at how large it actually was.

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Lake Krystalvasser - Part One

"well..." she said, trailing like a lost hiker straying onto unfamiliar moorland as heavy fog settled. "i was just, were know. were you doing anything this saturday evening?"

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Blood of Atlantis - Chapter Three

"once we hike over the hills, we descend into the kayghyn moorlands. there, we shall make contact with one of the briens, and they can take us through the mists to avalon." "so avalon is on the other side of these moors?" mike asked. "no.

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The Dragon's New Nest

A figure, dressed in a lightweight traveler's cloak and carrying a laden satchel, walked through the misty moorland alone. she was perhaps four feet tall, with chestnut-brown skin and frizzy hair.

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Devo Crush

The next thing he knew he was out could _solaris was back at the moorlands but everything was visible and he could hear, but there were no voices crying for help like before. he turned around and saw mimi standing off in the distance. "mimi!"

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The Thief and The Assassin: I

The silvery light reflecting off the snow illuminated the moorland with an ethereal glow. the air was so cold and dry the meager plant life audibly crackled in the gentle breeze that blew quietly across the frozen landscape.

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The pup clung to the human as he was carried across the moorland. "at least the fog is getting better." he could probably see fifty yards out at the most rather than ten. mathew slowed as the pup turned his head and sniffed the air excitedly.

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Seaming Love

They soon emerged on the other side where a wide stream lazily flowed behind the town, bordering the expansive moorland. a sliver of grass extended towards a wide stream, where it quickly sloped down to its watery shore.

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Chronicles of the Borderline: Chapter XVIII

The mountains opened like daggers in to the depths of the moorlands. the cave in which they had found the last vestiges of the ancient civilization.

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