Tried to jump the looked at the crowd and thought to him self "what slobs await me in there i dont know, or dont care.".most people adored mr.hollywood for his undying charm and handsome figure, but what they didnt know about what his narcissism
A Bear's Vacation II
And in a crowning display of narcissism, greg had to undergo much of this treatment while transformed into the body of the tanuki that had taken him over. meanwhile, tank had been wearing _his_ body, that of a thickset bear.
[DolphinSanity] Easy Prey
Tarrex starts to show hints of who he came from with his charm and narcissism.
Enter the Cat-Prolouge
His captor's voice had a deep resonant quality with a hint of narcissism. he remained silent and stoic never betraying his true emotions. the unnamed man's features grew clearer as more sunlight began to spill underneath the door.
Mike's Jockification
Vague panic at the changes he was undergoing ran through him, and mike managed to tear himself away from his growing narcissism and the mirror to get to his computer to get help.
Ribbon - Chapter 2
I think the real me got torn away that day with you, you know the one, but that could be the narcissism talking. i think i get away with it but then again i pay my debts to all my friends, or at least i try to. would try to. if you ever let me in again.
Exodus "..Sly"
As we stood in its presence it had no neck but rather its head was a solitary flame so it was easily understood why he had nicknamed it as "..candle" specking with heavy narcissism as both arms folded "we both know that crap is just yester-years advisertisement
Reindeer Games
'Twas the night after Christmas, and in the North Pole, the whole city was snoozing, a rest well-earned from their goal. Resting in her stable, Vixen stifled a yawn as she undressed for bed, a satisfying exhaustion starting to settle over her from...
Your narcissism wins out and you end up setting for taking his build, while keeping most of your looks the same. you'll probably end up overwriting most of it later this evening anyway. you continue to work at it, feeling your body change as well.
Happy Eastvore!
What sophie had not considered, in her emotionally injured haste and feline proclivity for self aggrandizing narcissism, was that nothing that has been around long enough to be recounted in myth gets that way by being an easy target.
Chapter 1: Hibernation Sickness
I don't try to hide my narcissism in the least. you'll just have to put up with it." gaia snorted. "wow... what in the world did i sign up for? and who is captain fletcher?" she asked.
Kinktober 2022 Story Sketches 1-5
### self-worship/selfcest/narcissism -valka- the chimera sighed and lounged back along her bed, flicking her thumb across her phone screen a few more times.