Ch 2 C.S.F. Darwin, Part 1: The Fleet Admiral
neal asked with a questioning look.
#7 - Breeding Records
**imperial assistant neal:**"yes sir?" **romari:**"retrieve the unofficial _official breeding records,_ if you would." **neal:** \*rifles through his papers\* "i have them right here." **romari:**"what day is today?" **neal:**"the 21st, sir."
#20 - Golden Deceiver
**neal:**"pardon?" **taxas:**"nothing. will the horse be okay?" **neal:**"ostensibly.
Untouchable: Chapter 43: Twisting of the Knife: Oliver
neal said them moved toward oliver."nope, nope, nope, come on neal you're embarrassing us, mostly yourself though," xander said and grabbed neal by the arm and started dragging him out of the apartment."but i don't need to go," neal said."yes you do!"
#26 - Juvenile Until Proven Guilty
**neal:**"perhaps he just wishes to cater to nocturnal clients. or perhaps he's nocturnal himself." **romari:**"he's got _fangs!"_ **neal:** _"you've_ got fangs!" **romari:**"and he's got a funny accent!"
#15 - The Enemy of My Enemy
**neal:**"let's just say you'll find life...unpleasant for a while." **taxas:**"neal, you just served some to the emperor! if that's poisoned, you'll hang!" **neal:**"it's not poisoned, captain. it's perfectly safe.
#30 - Consummation Desperation
**neal:** _"oh dear._ when did you notice this first happening?" **taxas:**"it all started after you gave his imperial majesty that fudge, neal." **romari:**"why? what happened then?" **neal:**"i...just _might_ have begged him to bed me.
Fat Moose #3
Sam and neal readily agreed that those rules were fair enough. and then began to discuss who would be having first go... sam saying neal was oldest and should go.
Royal Right Chapter 3: A mile in his shoes.
neal rolled his eyes and crossed his arms once more.
#18 - On The Clock
**neal:**"mmph." **romari:**"what was that?" **taxas:**"i think he said, _'you're always horny, sir.'"_ **romari:**"fuck off." \*seconds later\* **neal:** _"mmph!"_ **taxas:** \*salutes\* "fucked off, sir.
And i certainly like your new look neal." henry started hearing sounds from the door. "one bit of advice neal. i wouldn't tell them who you really are or you will join me.
#29 - Meeting With Disapproval
_** **neal:** _"\*ahem\*"_ **romari:**"...sorry" **neal:**"perhaps some other day, sir hans. for now, i believe we have business to attend to. obviously, the more we can anticipate, the better our chances.