Lost Into the Past Chapter 9
He actually started to wonder, did this version of prehistoric times even function on the gregorian calendar? did they use different calendars?
The Pointy End
A man hears about a shady deal to get his hands on a prehistoric transformative agent and takes advantage of it to help appease his girlfriend's giant reptile fetish. just watch where you point that thing!
Prehistoric Passion - short poem
Beneath the surface of the Earth Within the geosphere The remains of another world Awaiting discovery in its million year slumber. The thrill, mystery, and satisfaction Of unearthing, discovering, awakening the new bones. This fascinating sport...
[Commission] Prehistoric Podiatric Idolatry
With one hand, the hunter combed back his hair and stood in wait for his prey. It was early in the morning, the sun hidden behind the thick layers of clouds. The morning dew had passed, leaving the ground wet and the dirt soft. The Hunter tightened his...
Cave God
When i was little, i was fascinated by a picture in one of my books on prehistoric life that represented early humans worshipping a bear skull god. later, neil gaiman's description of an ancient ritual in american gods had a deep effect on me.
Lost Into The Past Chapter 4
He never knew dinosaurs; or any creature in prehistoric times for that matter; had the ability to speak. he always thought he'd be terrified of any and all prehistoric creatures, but they pretty much acted like humans! except... more reptilian...
Festive Preparations
The Lavvu shelter shuddered as the roaring winds battered it, the birch frame creaking as it gently flexed - many herbs and dried meats swinging from side to side as it did. But the reindeer hide walls held firm, stretched tightly across the frame with...
Natural History
There was still something missing from the male cat's prehistoric physique, and so the eager female's tongue slid up, still coated in his slick glistening pre.
The Flight of the Terry-Dactyl
Terry blushed embarrassingly, though he couldn't help but admit how sexy his prehistoric savior was to his shifted mind.
2019-05-01 - Sensual Saurians - Caboose09
He remained there as the three predator dinos swept by him, their massive feet slamming down on the cracked soil of the prehistoric plains.
A Funeral For A Horse
A Funeral For A Horse By SakaraFox The fire crackled gently at the heart of the Lavvu, sweet-smelling smoke rising into the night sky. A mournful sobbing could be heard from outside, muffled through the thick reindeer-hide skin of the shelter,...
The royal marriage #3
This one would last longer as she appeared to have a healthy appetite, something i admired in our species since most females ate like a prehistoric avian that was called ' birds '.