Harbinger, Chapter 12
She'd joined him a few minutes ago and piloted her pretender body off somewhere to pack up some camping supplies.
Harmony's Warriors: Soar - Act II - 05 - We Pretend It's Alright
**_act ii:_** "all equal in the end" chapter five: "we pretend it's alright" rainbow dash let out a long groan and slowly opened her eyes.
Harbinger, Chapter 4
He glanced at the pretenders and then back to arcee. "so, you've really got the decepticons working with us?" "some of them, yeah.
Second Chances : Chapter 9
pretend i didn't like luke, and pretend i wasn't gay, and pretend that everything was just fine and dandy. pretend, pretend, pretend. i wanted to spit on myself for how weak i was the utter flakiness of my life was enough to make me sick.
Dragonnus and Sarra's 2nd Roleplay
Dragonnus then has a shocked expression, pretending to get horrified. in this roleplay, superdragon have a weakness to sex, and sexual temptation. ''are you crazy!?!?
Dragonnus and Sarra's 3RD roleplay.
She then puts her right hand on his mouth, while dragonnus closes his eyes pretending to be unconscious.
Springtide: Hide and Cheat
"if you use make pretend magic you can't use make pretend science. as for pretend science... basically, it's the same idea, if you pretend to build something, no matter what you use, you can make it work." "wait so..."
Vagabond - Chapter 7 + Epilogue
pretending, to not feel alone! pretending to not feel alone!" when i finished singing, there was a pause, then everyone started applauding. i walked off stage, and waited 'til the end of the show.
Lucario and Renamon's roleplay.
He said pretending to struggle against the bonds. ''too bad honey, you tried to steal my money, and now this will be your punishment.'' she said.
A Taste For Fish
"maybe you should just try pretending to be human again?" "meow." don fixed chester with a sarcastic look that only a cat could manage. how could he pretend to be a human? he was human! okay... he was a kitten now apparently...
Harbinger, Chapter 7
If i hadn't had the other pretenders supporting me, i don't know if i could've survived. i promised myself i'd _never_get that close to anyone again."
Rematch, Chapter 9
Jack turned around and found the pretender known as rosalina mendoza walking into the room, followed by her human husband, lucas conrad.