The Progeny, The Wheat, The Battle 1

6The rain roars through the village, leaving everyone stranded in their huts. With all of nature's fury pouring down, there are two who stand unafraid of the water. Tobias, the stranger, a tiger with a message, remains just outside the door,...

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Mortality (a sonnet)

A person lives as long as time itself provided his effect is there to see but lacking progeny he must rely on others' often spotty memory ideas are immortal, living on to give another generation pause but often they fade out in ages hence and leave

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Clans of the Masquerade: Prt 1

Most gangrel will put their progeny through excruciating tests either prior to or after embracing them into the clan, to see whether or not they have what it takes to be a true gangrel.

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progeny of cronos, do you scour what you touch? whelps of odin, do you give or bring word? do you not wish to be seen, because you are always heard?


In Seven

His plumage iridescent would his progeny decide; but man had thought himself better, and invented the sin of pride. and thus from every creature man exalted all his kin, assured in his dominion of the land and beasts therein.

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And a creature that could mourn its young and show wary trust to aqua seemed the right sort to help bring its progeny into the world. and for once, it didn't feel like a rationalization.

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Is this the progeny we breed?! do you think this plan will succeed?! _why is this world filled... with weeds?_ like... _me?_

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Under the Moonlight's Gaze

She decided that if she were to change her shape to that of a wolf, the coupling might last, but only until she transformed back, ruining the life of the progeny she carried.

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New Beginnings Ch 11

"and yet....somehow you humans have the feel of the progeny too. i explained how it is i can communicate with please return the favor and explain to me how you can feel like the progeny."

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Heated Rub

She forced herself to swallow, the motion suctioning more of his progeny bearing seed into her coated mouth. pulling out of her mouth, her tongue sending a last shock of carnal pleasure through him before she released him from her mouth and lips.

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Cederwyn Whitefurr - Profile (Clean version)

Personality: cederwyn is a shy and graceful deer-like creature, who is the progeny of a human woman and a feral male mule deer.

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A Heated Rub

She forced herself to swallow, the motion suctioning more of his progeny bearing seed into her coated mouth. pulling out of her mouth, her tongue sending a last shock of carnal pleasure through him before she released him from her mouth and lips.

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