The X-Hunters: Chapter 3

I had aimed the shot just accurately enough that it passed through all the canisters, shattering them and any hopes the reploids had of completing their grimy weapons. i then focused on slaughtering the rest of the 'innocent' reploid scientists.

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The Grand War: Good vs Evil:Chapter one:Vile problems:part one

Then he and i jumped up and grabed hid hand as he grabed mines and we both yelled in union,"reploid fusion!!!!!" then in a ball of light blue light shone and blinded vile.


Pleasantly Outfoxxed

The heap of reploids reappeared in a tidy (for a second or two before manly liquids and sweat oozed onto the floor ^^) white room, sitting on a transponder device.

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The X-Hunters: Chapter 1

There were a lot of drej ships present, but also reploids as well, and from the look of it they were going to ally. "they're probably going to destroy it and kill us to show the reploids how powerful an ally they could be.

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At Arceus' Behest Ch. 03 - The Path is Set

And so zero told him about the blue armored reploid that he considered his best friend, how he had joined the maverick hunters, how later on during a mission he saved x from a maverick reploid named vile, and of zero's first time being totally destroyed

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At Arceus' Behest Ch. 02 - Finding Sanctuary

I'm a reploid," was zero's reply. a look of bewilderment crossed the professor's face, "what's a reploid?" zero grinned to himself, "they all asked the same thing.

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The Grand War: Good Vs Evil: prolog

I walked away out of the bridge toward a elevator and went inside and said, " reploid level" then the doors closed and went down. i took out a photo out of my pocket and staired at it.

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A stay at the Robot Sanitarium

Looking back at me was a reploid of some kind, or a mecha-fur, depending on which definition you prefer to use.

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At Arceus' Behest Ch. 05 - Revelations

He called himself a reploid._" roark and tank looked at rathien as he and zero's other pokemon approached, even more confused at the unfamiliar word the gallade mentioned.

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Day's of Entropy: Places of Soul

He was a reploid; a sentient robot made for battle that had fallen on hard times and had to make a living as a bouncer... this in turn meant that nothing short of a direct energy blast was even going to stun him.

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