The Gang War (Part Two)

, becoming a sucking, echoing _gulp_ while sabel worked her way up to krasnya's waist.

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Next In Line

sabel might have been a cheetah, but she wasn't the fastest one for once.

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Space War III

sabel never thought it'd be _dairinn_ who got her in the end. but maybe it wasn't the end she expected. sabel had seen that oryx at work.

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sabel fired the thrusters, and their shuttle rocketed out into empty space.

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Homecoming, Part 2

sabel's down there, right? always wanted to try something i saw once..." \*\*\* the computer augments in sabel's head were still working fine.

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sabel, anything?" sabel had been watching, listening with his cybernetic implants to the _zevozli_. "no. there does not appear to be any activity."

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The Naked Pause

sabel understood that she meant this metaphorically, although not the metaphor itself.

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The Cycle Legacy. (Title in working)

The pair, along with three others: mush, gore, and sabel were finally at the end of a long journey. "are they always like this?" mush asked in a soft voice. gore looked down at their new companion. "you get used to it.

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The Machine Stops

sabel thorsen had become the german shepherd's best friend.

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Zootopia: ZCOPS Sea Knights part 2 last part

Scene: kendrich calls to officer randy sabel kendrich: saber? up on the nasty and lock a slug. scene: the camera follows randy sabel to the 60mm nasty zasty where he hooks up his head mic... sabel: gun. load steel slug round.

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sabel, back me up here." their faces were all obscured by helmets, depriving sabel of any way to read body language. "i do not know what that creature is. if it pleases you, yes.

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