A Long Weekend - Part One
As he did so though sigma's mind was on anything but the toy inside him.
The Cosiest Cuddles
Of course, both sigma and indeed suki herself knew that just an hour or so ago the stuffed toy in sigma's arms hadn't been a stuffed toy at all, and that realistically speaking she still wasn't.
At Arceus' Behest Ch. 06 - Ghosts of the Past
"problems, sigma?" zero grabbed sigma and threw him into the ground, then dived into him sabre first as electricity began to dance across it. sigma rebounded off the ground and into the business end of zero's followup.
Best Seat in the House
sigma tried to hold out. she tried to restrain herself with everything she had.
An Unquenchable Thirst
"s-sigma!" "kaz!"
A Sensation to Savour
"sigma! oh **fuck**! i... i'm... a-aaaaaahhh!"
In Need of a Change
At a very unique party, sigma finds themselves serving as the star attraction, to their simultaneous humiliation and delight. :3 this flash fiction was written for sigma as part of their patreon reward for april.
Collared and Changed (Snapshot story)
sigma." regret going shirtless? what in the world did that mean, sigma wondered. he looked down at his chest, hoping and praying that he'd find some sort of clue. instead, he found something that he'd never expected.
Master/Slave Stream Story 5: The Succubus' Pet
sigma licked her lips, her pussy dripping from her recent orgasm, and her thoughts on nothing less than the total domination of the gecko in front of her. "hello, sweetie." "sigma, what - how did - what are you?"
As the Saying Goes...
Tossing back her head, sigma let loose a pleading, needy bellow.
Kinktober 2018, Day 30 - Brand Testing
sigma writhed and whimpered as he felt another desperate ache from his bladder, and tried to let go.
C-Boi's Diaper Day
He was far enough away that sigma just shrugged and went back to putting his pants on, just wanting to get home. beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep! the truck's honking horn pierced the air, and sigma jerked at the sound, caught off guard.