Lizard King
The horns were not horns at all any more- the four segments had transformed into what looked like a long, narrow spinosaurus skull! the two top ones made the body of the skull and the bottom two formed the mandibles of the lower jaw.
Fantasy Story Outline
Tells him to get his aa-12 shotgun - drive on for hours before running out of ammo - megolosaurus runs in front of car - robert slams on breaks - fuel almost gone - robert brings out special crystal - car gets a speed boost - spinosaurus
The Order's Intermission
There were several ridgeheads, even more sickleclaws, a handful of spinosauruses, and a couple of other horned sharpteeth like chomper and loc. hidden among the group was a pair of longclaws, or therizinosauruses.
The Sudden Strike
(a/n bladebacks are spinosaurus, finbacks are dimetrodons, btw.) the feeding area was a large area near the side of the valley.
The Draconian Story: Chapter 12
Is that species a cross between a raptor, a spinosaurus, and a lizard? you see, i know some famous reptilian ancestors because of kijte's story book." " about dragons?"
Jurrasex Park
He looks between the unnaturally colorful triceratops, stegosaurus, spinosaurus, dilophosaurus, gallimimus, and parasaurolophus to find the ankylosaurus. really looking closely at the dinosaurs beside each other, the scale feels small.
Chapter 4: Rising Tensions, Part 2: Mother Russia
Robert and i both freeze up as the massive bulk of a spinosaurus tears free from the forests cover. how it managed to sneak up on us without alerting us that it was there was beyond me.
Desert Walk (Vore Story)
The spinosaurus-looking dino was strapped up with all sorts of bags and devices, and even with that weight, he was faring way better than least all those bags were full of water to help the pokemon out!
An Indominable Experience
Even as his tail and his muzzle grew, it was obvious that he was well on his way to spending time as a spinosaurus!
Chapter Nine Operation Evacuation
"oh there are stegosauruses, brachiosaurus, spinosaurus, tyrannosaurus, triceratops, and raptors." a researcher replied. "thanks, kreg out." kreg laid back and closed his eyes to sleep.
Awake and Alive: Survival
Suddenly a loud roar echoed throughout the camp and the large tent was ripped off the ground as the spinosaurus stood to its feet.
Dinosaur Train: Lost Fragment
I remembered how the old spinosaurus hunted and that i could hunt like that too. it wasn't easy, but i caught fish every day for dad and i... it got harder since the water got darker and i could see less fish...