The Lead Crown, Ch 7.6 Thaddius
"it is a doll, and it is unhealthy. such a thing is poor company at best, and i will not stand for you to--" overcome by the frustration, thaddius barked back. "poor company is better than no company at all!"
Everyone But One
To stop himself from indulging in the perhaps unhealthy idea of a world which revolved around sex, when realistically he knew that there was so much more to life, and so much more to people.
Cousin Amber- Release Terms
This was never something they were allowed to have, too unhealthy. even still it felt almost like she should be getting in trouble for eating it.
Tales of Zootopia: Billy and Billie
They inevitably did, to the point of being unhealthy, but they didn't mind, because they weren't into each other for their bodies; they were into each other for their personalities, what true love is really about.
New Year's Resolution
I'm going to remove all my unhealthy influences. i'm going to keep learning and sharing the facts of life, and what's really important.
Vindicated Depravity
"it's unhealthy to be lusting after something you can't have," cadance said with a warm smile, nuzzling into his cheek in response with a happy hum. "it's unhealthy to want to mate my sister, you mean?" he asked, raising a brow.
Redemption - prolouge
I feel the slow, unhealthy beat of the child within. i look over to the absol, looking after his charge, "what's your name?" he looks up, and glares at me, "nade." he had a long pause, "now tell me yours."
"didn't you just tell us about it being unhealthy to have cubs between family members?" "for humans it is... but we're not human are we?" snowfur smiled. albert shook his head. "no we're not. umm, what about our parents? they won't agree to this..."
Red's Interesting Day Part 1
The pup was around the average height for his age with a chubby little belly from eating a little too much over time, though not an unhealthy amount.
Chapter 1
This was certainly very unhealthy and i was aware of it -- it always seem to leave me tired and grumpy and disengaged from this world. my circadian rhythm was no doubt put out of tempo.
Patreon Story - A Brooding Mood
They generally were some creature of base instinct and even baser desire, an unhealthy and self-destructive attraction. it was such a thrill to offer, every single time, a simple near pleading offer, "use me."
Love Is... Chapter 10
They weren't particularly religious, but both believed in the general concept of giving up an unhealthy habit for lent and thus allowed themselves to indulge in the ritualistic eating of unhealthy foods on this, the final day before lent's forty days began