RSH- Fear
We're taking spike and the rest of the utahraptors to counter them." a female utahraptor named minnie responded, gunfire heard in the background of her communications.
RSH - Attack
#3 of rsh \*\*\*sexual content warning\*\*\* this story contains scenes of consensual sex between a male utahraptor and a female utahraptor. consider yourself warned. do not read if it is illegal in your area or you are underage.
RSH- Spiral
The utahraptor let out a soft purr as jay rubbed above her eye ridges, relaxing her muscles and letting him take full control.
No utahraptors were harmed during the creation of this manuscript. however, several remained for 'study' on a strictly volunteer basis ;).
RSH- Trek
After they were all unloaded, scott turned and shook jay's gloved hand, saying a similar goodbye to each member of the pack in turn, including the utahraptors.
RSH- Offensive
"we have a utahraptor down. i repeat, rachel is down."
The College Contest
A commission for tyde, featuring my hyena marcel and his utahraptor tox. as a new college year starts, old rivalries surface between marcel of the rugby team and tox of the ice hockey team.
A Mesozoican Party
I'm not sure our utahraptor guests' diapers will fit in the one we have." she shuddered as she recalled the time she invited a pack of compys from her art show to her house.
Life Partners
"i'm a utahraptor." "that's exotic," dragon said. "why is everyone saying that," jupiter growled questioningly. "utahraptors are rare in these parts," tsunami answered. "oh, i didn't know that, sorry i yelled," jupiter apologized.
RSH- Hope
"there is a utahraptor print up there." he told them, catching his breath and looking south.
Taming the Raptor
I leant against the side of the cave wall, i didn't have much strength left and the utahraptor didn't either. as i watched it, it tilted it's head slightly to the side, wide amber eyes staring into mine.
Senok and Sarah
The four characters are utahraptor / deinonychus hybrids.