More about me naruto wise

Using both dojustu at the same time might cause the chakra network in his brain to short circuit at gennin level, possibly being victim to a seizure.


Shadow Cradle Chapter 3

Thankfully, that's when the skygge stops doing what it's doing and instead starts have a seizure on the ground! "holy shit!" then the mother runs over and takes her child and wakes her up, and she seems fine at least.

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Furries University Chapter 7: Downhill Roll

Jay began to dance around seeming as if he had a seizure holding his twentieth beer. plenty of furs were cheering on the display throwing money on the ground to see him stumble to pick it up.

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Keith 1 - The dragoness

She shivered harder and harder, until it seemed to be almost a seizure, than she stopped. not in a calm relaxing of muscles, rather in a tightening so intense keith was momentarily afraid that she might crack one of his ribs.

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Internet love

She said, " you aren't going to believe me but its frank he was fine a second ago but he's on his way to the hospital he had a seizure".

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Hypnos Academy Lost Chapter 2: Castle Hypnos

The young fennec almost looks like she's having a seizure. even her friends gaze in awe from the sidelines\* \*skye pants as her gushes begin to slow.

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Cries to the Moon: A Lamb Among Wolves

His breathing nosedived into shallow gasps as he tensed into a mini-seizure. "justin, get shane." ruby almost growled at him. as he left the room ruby leaned down to daniel's ear and whispered.

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Academic Dishonesty Pt. 1

"i hope that was a hello, either that or you're having a seizure," the tiger said. "let's hope for the best and say that it was a hello. my reply, of course, would be a hello right back to you."

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Rapture (unfinished failure)

Sometime during the seizure i fell on the floor, biting my tongue. i know that much because i woke up that way, my muzzle filled with the taste of blood. but i had been shown everything, and suddenly none of it mattered.

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Choose your own Yiff (Rave)

He tried everything he could, yet he couldn't get her attention...he did, however, get the attention of a few people that thought he was having a seizure. u r teh fail!

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Malapar Shares a Pill

Spit flew from his mouth as he yelled, his body thrashing on the ground as though he were having a mild seizure. uh oh, mal thought. he didn't have nearly such an adverse reaction. what was going on?

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Was i having some kind of seizure? a stroke? in the heart of the forest, i would never be found, my body would lie in this sunlit glade for the rest of time. but the shakes died down, and left me weak, unable to stand, unable to move.

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