Choose your own Yiff (Rave)

He tried everything he could, yet he couldn't get her attention...he did, however, get the attention of a few people that thought he was having a seizure. u r teh fail!

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Elryis Player

Maybe all the lack of sleep caused him to have a seizure or some sort of aneurism, or at least something at least to explain these impossible surroundings around him and the fact that he was in his characters body.

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Was i having some kind of seizure? a stroke? in the heart of the forest, i would never be found, my body would lie in this sunlit glade for the rest of time. but the shakes died down, and left me weak, unable to stand, unable to move.

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c-snakes: infiltrator

She figured that anything she tried to say, such as "please, take me now", would come out sounding like she was having a seizure. the c-snakes simply figured that appealing to the meat's ego was the fastest way into her shiny, shiny pants.

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The Webb clan chapter 3

Im not in the mood" i told them, and then electricity leapt into their knives and they collapsed, their bodies going in to seizures. then i made stairs out of clouds and walked up to the roof. then i sat down with my legs hanging over the side.

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Internet love

She said, " you aren't going to believe me but its frank he was fine a second ago but he's on his way to the hospital he had a seizure".

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Hypnos Academy Lost Chapter 2: Castle Hypnos

The young fennec almost looks like she's having a seizure. even her friends gaze in awe from the sidelines\* \*skye pants as her gushes begin to slow.

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Cries to the Moon: A Lamb Among Wolves

His breathing nosedived into shallow gasps as he tensed into a mini-seizure. "justin, get shane." ruby almost growled at him. as he left the room ruby leaned down to daniel's ear and whispered.

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Academic Dishonesty Pt. 1

"i hope that was a hello, either that or you're having a seizure," the tiger said. "let's hope for the best and say that it was a hello. my reply, of course, would be a hello right back to you."

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Lonely Oak Chapter 73

Her tail began to twitch and fidget, having a seizure. her hands squeezed, grabbing at his shirt and tufts of fur underneath. their lips parted, but his hand continued on her back, joined by the other.

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Malapar Shares a Pill

Spit flew from his mouth as he yelled, his body thrashing on the ground as though he were having a mild seizure. uh oh, mal thought. he didn't have nearly such an adverse reaction. what was going on?

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Macro Tyler March #11 - Rampage

He felt so satisfied basking in the afterglow of such a monumental orgasm that it had left him in near-seizure levels of bucking and body-wide spasming that nothing short of a fire breaking out in his room would have convinced him to rush himself back to reality

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