Fates of the Unicorns - 94 - Falling

She had faded in and out of consciousness as her body was fucked, struggling to keep the alien mind out of her. it wasn't really a mind, any more than this was a cave.

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Iron Stag (6/8)

There was one other thing that he could do though, the idea suddenly coming to the alien's mind, and it actually intrigued him more than just a simple assimilation.

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Treacherous Shoals Part 1

One big issue i've had was in convincing myself that the next chapter of relentless waves makes any damn sense at all as i take a deep dive into trying to encapsulate how a human would adapt to having an alien mind (you'll see what i mean in time!).

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Starborne - Trial by Fire: Final Countdown

We had almost gained access to the primary ship systems, yet we now find ourselves locked out by the vastly superior computing capacity of an immortal alien mind. we are stuck!

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Private Negotiations

The words rang hollowly in the purple alien's mind as he focused entirely on the feeling of a hard shaft against his hole.

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In the Night, We are Dark (Story of NTN 560 Part 1)

The pattern of thoughts that alien mind must follow. "very well." with all of the small talk disposed of, an akward silence silence persisted within the room for nearly a minute, all other topics of conversation exhausted.

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[DolphinSanity] Skilled New Hands

There were no alien mind-slugs piloting burly-bodied, horny hosts down the water slides. there was no need to think about that carried-on threat. thus, with each step, he once again became... "teryx commodore, vacationer."

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PU 48-M

I'm sure they have their reasons though; perhaps they like to immerse themselves in the feelings and reactions of one alien mind trapped inside another! but the services i provide are not just mental, oh, far from it.

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Starborne - Trial by Fire: Iridescent

An infinite plane that gives us orientation in this disparate ... chaotic ... world of the ancient alien's mind: familiar metaphors for an environment mortal minds like ours were not made for.

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Building the Hub (1/2)

In the back of his alien mind he knew that this would start to hold the network back and as one of the central nodes he couldn't allow that to happen.

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the lost cave

The alien mind? her companions? or had see said it herself? obey! the word sounded so nice, so warm and welcoming. obey! her mouth finally opened an in unison with her fellow slaves she whispered: ?obey!?

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