matts story

"the base is heavily guarded by anti-air guns. if were not able to destroy the protypes then disabling the anti-air guns would suffice" "that why masons with us?" "yup, his hacking abilities will come in handy" "what about domino?"

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Soldiers Of The Furry Kind Volume 1 Part 3

I watched as the jets rolled in and destroyed the anti-armour emplacements one after another, just like the anti-air weapons they lit up the sky with fire as they exploded.

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Guardians: Chapter Five

Sain glanced over at him as he settled in next to her, the anti-air rocket launcher she had was set on a remote tripod about twenty feet in front of them, she had the controls and a small monitor in her hands. "worst day off ever huh?"

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Wasteland Survivor – Reclamation - ch16

"~ and with that, he pushed off the top of the building and arrowed down at the twenty millimetre anti-air gun.

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The Final Assault Chapter Two

They had begun to move around the wall, still outside of the anti-air weapons; finally they chose a spot to gather at. now john and henry stood on the roof of a large sky scraper watching the ships approach.

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A dictator's scapegoat

The helicopters they possessed had one wing on the right side and it held 4 anti air rockets, 1 anti-tank missile, and a mini gun with 4000 rounds. in the left side of the helicopter it had a mounted machine gun with 2000 rounds.

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Wake-Up Call - Part of a larger story

When i did, i saw russian anti-air fire flying over the buildings in front of us.

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Force Ten

Sure, he'd flown over iraq in a converted fighter-bomber during the war but against a country with virtually no anti-air defense system and a minimal air force, but he wanted to experience dodging flak and being one wrong move from dying.

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Behind Enemy Lines

They would leave the plane at high altitude, outside of the anti-air's detection, and deploy their parachutes at low altitude.

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Soldiers Of The Furry Kind Volume 1 Part 1

"white knight eleven be advised kill box two one will be identified by red smoke, watch out for friendlies identified by strobes" i could already see the targets below me aiming their anti-air in our general direction.

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dinosaur island part 3

If you and...her...go north, check out the anti air platform, then we can meet up near the secondary containment facility." "agreed."

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